State Land Valuations

State land valuations, mandated by the Land Valuation Act 2010, are assessments conducted by the Queensland Government’s Department of Resources to determine the value of properties within Livingstone Shire. Each year, the Valuer-General considers market movement and feedback from local governments and key stakeholders to decide which areas will be revalued.

Land valuation notices were issued by the Department of Resources on 26 March 2024. Notices provide details of the newly assessed value of your property. This valuation will play a vital role in determining your Council rates from 30 June 2024 onward.

Land valuations are used by Council to calculate rates for the financial year, however, the extent that rates may increase is not directly reflective of the percentage increase of the land valuation. The land valuation is just one factor considered to determine rates.

Rates and charges are determined during the annual budget process each financial year, usually adopted in June/July for the following financial year. The process includes:

  1. considering the costs of providing an extensive range of services, facilities and infrastructure
  2. determining how to appropriately fund these activities, acknowledging that our primary source of revenue is through rates and charges.

Council also employs strategies such as valuation banding to help minimise the impact of large valuation increases. Additionally, Council uses a comprehensive system to calculate rates that recognise the diverse demographics of the region and aims to minimise the overall impact on ratepayers.

If you disagree with the valuation of your property, you may wish to lodge an objection with the Department of Resources. Please note that objections cannot be lodged through Council as the land valuations are determined by the Department of Resources.

To inspect the land valuation roll listing for Livingstone Shire, you can visit:

Further information about Livingstone Shire’s valuation can be found at the Department of Resources link below.

Livingstone Shire LGA valuation overview