Rating Information

General rate notices are issued during July/August and January/February and reflect the cost of services, facilities and activities that are supplied or undertaken for the benefit of the community. We're required to raise an appropriate amount of revenue to maintain assets and provide services to the shire as a whole. From the date of the notice, you have 30 days to pay or enter into a payment agreement with us. A 10% discount will be allowed on gross Council rates and charges, excluding any charge specifically excluded from discount entitlement (refer to Council’s Revenue Statement for a full list of excluded charges).

In deciding how the revenue is raised, we consider:

  • The rateable value of the land;
  • Relative valuation between different types of land;
  • The approach to general rating adopted by Council for the financial year;
  • The demand and/or need to provide a diverse range of facilities and services in the Livingstone Shire, such as:  
  • looking after our beaches, parks and sporting grounds; 
  • collecting waste; 
  • maintaining our roads;
  • supplying water and sewerage services to some properties; 
  • running and maintaining our libraries; community centres and halls; and
  • disaster management, community education, support programs and initiatives.

Livingstone Shire Council issues Water Usage Notices following the completion of each quarterly meter read. Notices are addressed to the owner of the property. Residents are encouraged to assist in making this process as efficient as possible by properly maintaining access to their water meter. Notices are issued quarterly, generally in January/February, April, July/August and October. You can find more information regarding water meters by clicking here.