Tides & Tunes - Lewis McKee


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Lewis McKee is a born and raised Central Queensland entertainer. His style lends from a diverse background and broad range of musical influences across Rock n Roll, Blues, Country and Pop. After nearly a decade of performing in a spectrum of venue sizes, festivals and supporting major country and pop acts (Busby Marou, Brad Butcher, Alex Lloyd and Taylor Moss to name but a few), McKee sits at the precipice of his Debut EP release due in June 2024.This follows the success he has had with independent single releases “Into My Soul”, “Coming Home” & “That Love” across 2022 and 2023.

McKee is set for a breakout year in 2024 with a string of shows at significant regional and international events across the year and will undoubtedly capitalise on the release of his new debut EP with a pending tour date in 2024/25. Since an early age Lewis has been enthralled by the power of music and has always wanted to share that passion with others. For this reason he looks to the future with increasing opportunities to doing so over coming months and years.

Tides and tunes Spring 2024 poster

Tides & Tunes - Lewis McKee