Road Closure Applications

Council does not own road reserves, therefore is unable to approve their closure and sale to landowners. Road reserves are owned by the State, represented by the Department of Resources (‘DoR). However, Council is custodian of roads (excluding Main Roads), therefore prior to assessing applications for road closures, DoR requires Council comments on the closure proposal.

Before you proceed, it is recommended you review the DoR Guideline ‘Roads under the Land Act 1994’ which can be accessed at

To progress your application you can either apply to DoR online or submit forms to Council.

  • To commence the process to obtain Council comments you should complete the following DoR forms and submit to Council with a plan (showing location, dimensions and area of proposed road closure) either in person or by emailing

    Upon receipt of an application, internal consultation is undertaken then a report presented to Council seeking a resolution.

    NOTE: In order for Council to make a decision on road closure proposals, application forms are included in the publicly available Council Meeting Agenda on Council’s website (personal information such as names, postal address, phone numbers and email addresses are redacted).  

    After the Council meeting, a completed Part C – Form LA30 will be submitted directly to DoR or forwarded to the applicant.

    The time from lodging an application to a Part C being provided can sometimes take around 6 weeks depending on the extent of inspections required by Council officers and which Council Meeting deadlines can be met.

Collection Notice
Pursuant to the Information Privacy Act 2009, the following relates to personal information provided to Council regarding road closure applications:
  1. The information submitted on the application forms and any attachments is collected to process and assess applications under the Local Government Act 2009 - s 68(4) and the Land Act 1994 - s 99.
  2. It is Council’s usual practice to publish road closure application forms and any attachments in a Council Meeting Agenda which is publicly available on Council’s website (personal information such as names, postal address, phone numbers and email addresses are redacted)

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