State Controlled Roads

Livingstone Shire Council (LSC) conducts maintenance on roads throughout the region to promote longevity of the asset and deliver the community with a safe road network.  In addition to Council’s local roads, State-controlled roads through the region provide essential connectivity to the local and wider road network. 

Council has a contract with Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to undertake maintenance on a majority of the State-owned road infrastructure throughout the Livingstone Shire Council area. 

The table here outlines State-controlled roads in the Livingstone region along with the maintenance responsibilities as awarded by TMR.

Council undertakes routine inspections as part of the Road Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC) on this network to identify, record and prioritise defects in line with set TMR intervention levels and response timeframes in line with an allocated yearly budget as awarded by the State. 

Upgrades and major works on this State-controlled network are considered outside of the RMPC and fall under the responsibility and jurisdiction of TMR.  Some examples of such upgrades are; upgrade unsealed road to a sealed standard, realignment of a corner, resealing a section of road, improvement to drainage requiring installation of new culverts, large sections of pavement rehabilitation works and major reconstruction of the State owned assets.  

Council encourages ratepayers and residents to continue to report defects on the State network through Council’s Customer Service Centre to ensure continued awareness and inspection of the potential maintenance defects which fall within the RMPC guidelines.  Requests regarding upgrades and major works to this network need to be made through TMR’s Customer Service Centre.

  • Typically traffic accidents/incidents are called through to 000 in the first instance and the Police will telephone Council if assistance is required.

    TMR has added the Road Lookup feature to their QLD Traffic website.This feature allows users to enter a road name, which then provides the relevant road owner and contact details. To search for the road address to confirm who manages the road - e.g. Council or TMR, go to Road Lookup or call 13 19 40.

    Requests for new signage or new painted lines can be reported on 13 74 68. The QLD Traffic website can also be accessed via TMR’s Contact Us page.

  • If your property adjoins a state-controlled road, you will need to apply to TMR to make any changes to, or to construct a new driveway or access, using an application form available on TMR's website. All application processes through TMR are free.

    Further information can be found here.

    Applications for changes to driveways not associated with a development application need to be made using Form F5083, which is available on TMR's website. Note, construction cannot commence until TMR sends an 'Approval To Commence' letter. When the application form is completed, it can be returned with supporting documentation to

    For any enquiries about this process, or to seek advice about property access changes, please email

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