Plans, Strategies & Reports


  • Livingstone Shire Council is excited to announce the adoption of the new Livingstone Community Plan 2030, which will replace the existing Community Plan and Corporate Plan from 1 July 2025.

    This integrated plan reflects Council’s commitment to better outcomes for residents, sustainable growth, and operational efficiency.

    Key benefits include strategic growth alignment, simplified reporting, and improved outcomes for the environment, local businesses, and residents.

    Livingstone Community Plan 2030 - effective 1 July 2025

    Livingstone Community Plan On-A-Page

  • The Livingstone Community Plan: Towards 2050 is a long-term strategic plan developed with the community and captures the themes, strategies, and goals prioritised by the community that will move the region towards its vision for 2050. 

    This plan will be replaced with the newly adopted Community Plan 2030 from 1 July 2025.

    Livingstone Community Plan: Towards 2050

  • Livingstone Shire Council’s Corporate Plan 2030, developed through an internal engagement process, will be replaced with the newly adopted Livingstone Community Plan 2030 from 1 July 2025. The new plan provides a commitment to progressing our community vision through priority projects, responsive services, and accountable and transparent practices.

    Livingstone Corporate Plan 2020 - 2030

  • The Operational Plan encompasses the Annual Budget, Annual Operational Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Long Term Asset Management Plan, Revenue & Rating Strategy as well as other key planning documents for the Livingstone Shire Council.   

    Each year, Council undertakes an important business planning process to determine the key services Livingstone Shire Council will deliver to its community during the financial year and to ensure that it discharges its responsibilities in a way that is consistent with the Operational Plan. 

    Operational Plan Documents        Financial Guiding Principles Document

  • Livingstone Shire Council’s five-year Biosecurity Plan 2025 - 2029 was developed for the benefit of the whole community and applies to the entire shire. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014.  

    Biosecurity Plan 2025 - 2029

  • The Reef Guardian Council program showcases environmentally sustainable practices undertaken by councils in the Great Barrier Reef catchment. The program recognises the effective management and protection of the Reef requires a coordinated effort from industries, communities and all levels of government. Livingstone Shire Council has been involved in Reef Guardian Councils since its inception in 2007.

    The current programme focuses on improving land management practices and water quality in the Great Barrier Reef catchment. It centres on what councils are already doing under five categories: climate change, coastal development, land-based run-off, direct use and reef heritage and social values.

    The Reef Guardian Councils programme benefits Councils and their communities in many ways, including:

    • Strengthened local economies;
    • Protection of lifestyles and incomes;
    • Promotion of Council’s environmental efforts;
    • Exposure to new and innovative ideas from other communities;
    • Improved environment and beautification of living space (e.g. better water, more trees); and
    • Leverage for external endorsement, promotion, funding and/or marketing.

    Reef Guardian Action Plan

    You can read more about the Reef Guardian Council program here.


  • Livingstone Shire Council has a multitude of responsibilities regarding the shoreline, including:

    • Management and control of most of the coastline (on behalf of the Queensland Government).
    • Custodianship of many coastal assets including roads, bridges, footpaths, beach accesses, parks, playgrounds, and more.
    • Stewardship of the natural assets (flora and fauna) of the coast including sand dunes, native coastal vegetation, migratory shorebird species, turtles, and other animals who live or nest on our beaches.
    • A responsibility to keep members of the Livingstone Shire community as safe as practically possible from the threat of coastal hazards.

    With these responsibilities in mind, the Shoreline Management Plan has been developed to assess the status of our shoreline and to provide guidance on management measures to address key issues and further protect our coastal assets and encourage ecosystem resilience. This includes recommendations for on-ground works, nature-based solutions to build environmental resilience, future studies, partnerships, and community engagement that will contribute to the wellbeing and strength of Livingstone Shire’s shoreline. 

    View the Shoreline Management Plan 2022-2023 

  • The Livingstone Flying-fox Roost Management Plan provides a comprehensive framework for managing the four major flying-fox roosts in the Livingstone Shire Council area. It addresses the presence of three flying-fox species and includes strategies to minimise human-wildlife conflict, enhance public awareness, and conserve these important species and their ecosystem services.

    Developed in line with relevant legislation and stakeholder feedback, the Plan outlines Council's commitment to managing roosts on public land and supporting private landowners. It emphasises cooperation with landowners for joint mitigation actions and acknowledges the dynamic nature of roosting sites.

    Livingstone Flying Fox Root Management Plan

  • Council acknowledges that assets (particularly infrastructure assets) support its core business of delivering services to the Livingstone Shire community. Livingstone Shire Council is committed to ensuring that infrastructure and services are provided in a sustainable manner, with appropriate levels of service to residents and visitors and taking due regard of the environment. 

    Livingstone Shire Council’s key strategic theme relating to assets is for reliable, durable, cost effective infrastructure and Council assets which meet the needs and aspirations of the communities of the Livingstone Shire. 

    Therefore, Council is committed to the adoption of sound asset management practices and processes and strategies which will significantly contribute to the achievement this vision. 

    Asset Management Plans - Strategic, Fleet, Buildings, Water, Sewer, Roads & Footpaths

  • As a Council working closely with relevant stakeholders, our focus is on a collaborative approach to effectively minimise the impacts from bushfires and to value human life and property, while also protecting cultural assets and the ecosystems that sustain us. 

    The purpose of the Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) is to guide the Local Disaster Managment Group’s (LDMG) management of bushfire hazard through the four phases of the emergency management: prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. 

    Bushfire Management Plan


  • The Blueprint 2030 Economic Growth and Investment strategy sets out the objectives and action plan for the economic growth of Livingstone Shire through to 2030.

    Blueprint 2030 is an action-orientated, deliverables-focused document that prioritises the region’s six core industries, using key themes and actions to achieve this strategy.

    Blueprint 2030 Priority Industries

    • Agriculture and Food Technology
    • Modern Manufacturing
    • Tourism
    • Construction and Infrastructure Services
    • Defence and Military training
    • Energy Transition

    Blueprint 2030 Key Themes

    1. Support Livingstone Shire’s businesses to reinvest, innovate and prosper
    2. Attract new investment in Livingstone Shire’s priority industry sectors
    3. Enable growth through investment in strategic infrastructure
    4. Promote Livingstone Shire’s appeal as a place to live, work and prosper

    Blueprint 2030 Core Actions

    • Research, Strategic Planning and Information Brokerage
    • Land Use Planning, Regulation and Community Enhancement
    • Concierge Services to Promote and Support Local Businesses
    • Marketing, Promotion and Investment Attraction
    • Provision of Local Infrastructure Services
    • Economic Development Advocacy and Partnerships

    For further inquiries, please contact the Economy and Places team on

    Blueprint 2030 Strategy Blueprint 2030 Prospectus

  • The Livingstone Open Space Framework is a strategic document, detailing guiding principles and a roadmap that integrates all existing and future open space assets, services, and management functions.

    The OSF constitutes the community’s green infrastructure blueprint. It is designed to facilitate ongoing evaluation and
    updating of open space assets and service levels in response to changing community priorities, the emergence of unforeseen opportunities and constraints, and other circumstances.

    Council and the community are responsible for this ongoing evaluation, for completion of the initial document and, most
    critically, implementation.

    Livingstone Open Space Framework

  • The purpose of this document is to position the Capricorn Coast as regional Queensland’s leading event destination for iconic event experiences that reflect the unique coastal village and simply stunning locations on the shores of the Southern Great Barrier Reef.  

    Capricorn Coast Region Event Strategy

  • Livingstone Shire Council has developed the Capricorn Coast Smart Region Strategy to help achieve economic growth powered by digital innovation. This strategy aligns with emerging trends in digital technologies and innovation with an emphasis on leveraging opportunities for regional areas to benefit from the advantages of being proactive in this constantly evolving space. 

    Capricorn Coast Smart Region Strategy

  • The Active Livingstone Strategy is a planning document that will guide the delivery of active recreation infrastructure throughout the Livingstone Shire. This evidence-based strategy considers local, state, national, and international trends in active recreation and responds to feedback from a range of local stakeholders, as well as consultation from the wider community. The Active Livingstone Strategy represents Livingstone Shire Council's commitment to delivering infrastructure that supports active, healthy lifestyles.  

    Active Livingstone Strategy

  • Livingstone Shire Council has developed the Low Carbon Livingstone 2030, a strategy to reduce Livingstone Shire Council's current carbon footprint by 30% by the year 2030. Reducing the organisation's carbon footprint can result in:

    • cost savings to Council and ultimately its ratepayers;
    • enhancement of Council's environmental credentials, including showcasing regional sustainability leadership;
    • business improvement within the organisation; and
    • provide an effective response to climate change.

    The strategy also includes an Action Plan which details the actions Council will undertake over the next ten years to achieve its target. Click the button below to view the strategy for further details. 

    Low Carbon Livingstone 2030 Strategy


  • The Our Living Coast Strategy provides an understanding of how our coast is being affected by coastal hazards today and how our coast might change in the future under the influence of climate change, including the impacts of sea level rise. The Strategy has been prepared using funding provided through  the QCoast2100 program.

    The purpose of the Our Living Coast Strategy is to provide a strong evidence base for future decision making and a coordinated response for what actions we will take to adapt to and manage coastal hazard risks and provide a framework to guide the management of our coastline. 

    Our Living Coast: Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy  Summary Sheet

  • ‘Our Living Environment’ travels through the landscape of Livingstone Shire, guided by the Traditional
    Custodians, as we explore the biodiversity that makes Livingstone Shire unique. 

    The strategy considers the threats that we must manage to preserve and restore the values of our natural and cultural heritage. The Action Plan lists the biodiversity strategies that will help deliver on the goals of the Livingstone Community Plan - Towards 2050 and the ‘Natural Livingstone’ strategies of the Livingstone Shire Council Corporate
    Plan 2020-2030. 

    The vision of Livingstone Shire Council is to partner with Traditional Custodians and our community to
    protect, sustainably manage and enhance the natural beauty, landscapes and resources of Livingstone
    Shire, in order to safeguard the sustainability and environmental resilience of the region into the future.

    Our Living Environment: Biodiversity Strategy   Summary Sheet 1 Summary Sheet 2 

  • The Strategy for the Management of Resource Recovery and Waste in Livingstone Shire to 2030 is Livingstone Shire Council’s proposed response to the challenge of moving from a throwaway society to a more sustainable future.

    The document importantly outlines the strategies we will employ to promote and support the transition of our community towards a circular economy and to position the Livingstone community on a path towards a zero waste community in the future.

    Strategy for the Management of Resource Recovery and Waste in Livingstone Shire to 2030

  • Central Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils’ (CQROC) has released its Defence Strategy, advocating for the Australian Defence Force to build new military bases in Central Queensland.

    It includes establishing a new Army Barracks in Rockhampton, a RAAF base at Rockhampton Airport, a Fleet Base North at Gladstone Port and a School of Armour at Shoalwater Bay Training Area.

    CQROC Defence Strategy


  • In accordance with legislation, Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual report which provides a comprehensive report on Council’s activities and financial performance for the financial year. 

    This year's Annual Report was adopted on the 18 October 2024 and can be viewed here

    Annual Reports - Previous

  • Livingstone is currently experiencing an acute residential shortage.  This is causing difficulties in several respects, not the least of which being the loss of potential new residents.  To aid understanding of the dimensions of this issue and to foster an informed and assertive response, Council engaged Matusik Property Insights and Broad Property Research & Advisory Pty Ltd to evaluate market dynamics and recommend market sectors to focus on over the next five years to meet current and emerging residential demand.

    Livingstone's 5 Year Housing Demand Analysis Report

  • Livingstone Shire is an active, engaged community with a great variety of sporting groups, fields, courts, and facilities. It is the proud home of more than fifty sporting groups, with about eight in ten residents taking part in some physical activity every week.  The Sporting Needs Analysis uses demographics and input from individuals, clubs, and sporting representatives to provide information on which to base decisions about future programs and facilities to cater to the needs of a growing and active community.

    Click here to download the 2023 Sporting Needs Analysis.