Support for Community Groups and Sporting Clubs

Livingstone Shire is fortunate to have a large and diverse range of community groups and sporting clubs catering to many interests and providing opportunities for community connections and an active lifestyle.
The Community Development Sport and Recreation Team is based at the Community Centre, 80 John Street, Yeppoon.
Community development from a council perspective is about facilitating positive social and economic impact by making sure people can actively participate in the community and are empowered to create positive changes.
The Community Development and Sport and Recreation team is part of Livingstone Shire Council’s Community Partnerships unit, within the Community and Cultural Services portfolio.
The Community Development and Sport and Recreation team is focused on delivering projects and programmes which build capacity and increase resilience, specifically within not-for-profit community and sporting organisations across the Shire. This aligns with the team’s awareness that not-for-profit community and sporting organisations are an integral element in supporting active, vibrant, and connected communities.
In working to achieve this focus, the team provides the following opportunities to not-for-profit community organisations:
- Capacity Building Workshops.
- Livingstone Community Grants.
- Community Organisation Census; and
- One-on-one meeting (including grant support).
Check out Livingstone Shire Council’s event calendar ( ) for details of upcoming activities or get in touch to arrange a one on one meeting.
The team is committed to engaging with local not-for-profit community organisations to understand their current situation with a view to work alongside the not-for-profit community organisation to build capacity and increase resilience. The team also supports local not-for-profit community organisations as a conduit to connect them with other teams and units across Council to achieve specific outcomes.
To get in touch with the Community Development Sport and Recreation Team please email or phone 4913 5000
The Community Development Sport and Recreation Team also delivers the Youth Services Program ( ).
The needs of the region and individual communities change over time, so we want to make sure we understand community attitudes, needs, and people’s expectations of council as we deliver the community development strategy. The Community Development Sport and Recreation Team look to consult regularly with the community and local organisations, including through existing forums, and by monitoring and reporting back on how we are tracking to deliver our community development strategy.
In addition to this, the team also undertakes planning and analysis activities to inform project and programmes delivered within the local community.
These planning and analysis activities are guided by the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics’ census data, as well as feedback and comments provided by the Livingstone community through consultation and engagement with local stakeholders. The findings and recommendations of these planning and analysis activities inform the direction of Council’s projects and programmes It is also utilised by the team in communicating local trends internally and across its external networks, in advocating improved service delivery to the local community by non-government organisations and Government Agencies, and to support funding applications that enable delivery of community projects and programmes to address the community’s needs.
Accessibility Awareness Tour Report 2022
Active Livingstone Strategy Status Review Report 2022
Seniors Needs Analysis Review 2022
Access and Inclusion Consultation 2019
Capacity Building Workshops are designed to build the capacity of local not for profit community and sporting groups. They are held on a regular basis and cover a range of topics.
Check out the Livingstone Shire Council event calendar ( for details of upcoming workshops or download the workbook below;
Starting a Community Group Information Kit
Building Volunteers Women and Young People Fact Sheet
The Livingstone Community Grants provide funding to community groups and sporting clubs to deliver innovative projects and programmes that increase their capacity and resilience and respond to community needs.
Rounds generally provide up to $5000.00 for not-for-profit community groups and sporting clubs.
Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and be operating within the boundary of Livingstone Shire Council's Local Government Area providing programmes or activities that benefit residents, and improve overall community well-being as well as align with the Livingstone Shire Community Plan.
To read more or to apply click here
To access the Queensland Government Grant Finder click here
Livingstone Shire Council encourages its local sport and recreation clubs to use Game Plan to complete a 'Health Check' on their club.
Game Plan is a free online platform that allows sporting clubs of all sizes to get insights into their current capability in key areas of club administration, then supports ongoing club development with a suite of tools. This platform enables sporting clubs to gain valuable insights into their current capabilities across various key areas of administration.
Once clubs have completed the modules outlined in the Game Plan, they'll be provided a number of state and sport specific resources to support them in achieving the goals they set to achieve. Each module takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
Furthermore, Game Plan provides ongoing support to clubs by offering additional modules tailored to help them progress and grow in the priority areas they've identified.
Get started with Game Plan and register online - For clubs | Australian Sports Commission (