Flying Foxes

There are a number of permanent roosting sites for flying-foxes within Livingstone Shire. Throughout different times of the year, these roosting sites may be home to three different species; the Black Flying-Fox (Pteropus alecto), the Little Red Flying-Fox (Pteropus scapulatus) and the Grey-Headed Flying -Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). All three species are protected under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992. The Grey-Headed Flying Fox, due to their vulnerable status, are also federally protected under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act 1999.

If you come across a sick or injured flyi​ng-fox, it is important that you report it but do not handle it. Please report the animal immediately by calling 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) where an appropriately trained wildlife carer will collect it.

If you find a dead flying-fox on your property or footpath, you are able to remove it by following these simple safety steps:

  • Do not directly touch the flying-fox
  • Make sure the flying-fox is dead
  • Wear thick gloves and use a shovel or tongs to remove the flying-fox and place it in a plastic bag. You can double bag to ensure it is contained.
  • Dispose of the contained flying-fox in your general rubbish bin or transfer to your local landfill

If you find a dead flying-fox on Council Land, please contact the Customer Service Centre on (07) 4913 5000.

View the below documents for more information

Flying Foxes Fact Sheet 

Statement of Management Intent for Flying Fox Roost Management in Livingstone Shire

Livingstone Flying Fox Roost Mangement Plan

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