Shark Control Program

The Queensland Government operates the Shark Control Program to reduce the risk of shark bites in Queensland coastal waters.

Shark control equipment

There are drumlines at nine beaches in the Capricorn Coast:

  • Farnborough Beach
  • Yeppoon Beach
  • Cooee Bay
  • Lammermoor Beach
  • Kemp Beach
  • Mulambin Beach
  • Tanby Point
  • Fishermans Beach
  • Emu Park Beach.

From September 2021 to June 2022, the Queensland Government will be trialling catch alert drumlines at Mulambin Beach, Tanby Point, Fisherman Beach and Emu Park Beach. Find out more about the catch alert drumline trial.

Shark control hotline

Report out-of-place shark control drumlines and entangled marine life to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries by calling 1800 806 891.

Do your part. Be SharkSmart.

There are things you can do to minimise your risk of encountering a shark.

No matter whether you’re swimming, snorkelling, diving, sailing, boating or dishing, follow the SharkSmart tips to do your part.

  • Swim between the flags at patrolled beaches and check signage
  • Have a buddy and look out for each other
  • Avoid swimming at dawn or dusk
  • Reduce risk, avoid schools of bait fish or diving birds
  • Keep fish waste and food scraps out of the water where people swim
  • Swim in clear water and away from fishers

 Visit the SharkSmart web page for more information.

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