
Livingstone Shire Library App

Livingstone Shire Library App Features
- Use your smartphone as your library card
- Locate and reserve items
- Manage your reservations and renew items
- Borrow library items using your own device (Yeppoon and Emu Park branches)
- Access eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, music and films
- Link your family members' library cards
- See the latest events, adult programs and children's activities
- Scan any book's barcode to see if we hold a copy
Livingstone Shire Council's Libraries offer access to a wide range of information and resources both onsite and online. There is also a wide selection of programs for children, youths and adults. Membership is free and available to all ages. Click here to join library!
Access our Online Catalogue if you need to:
- Check your current loans and membership details;
- Reserve an item;
- Extend your due date;
- Search our collection; or
- Request a purchase.
Library Services:
- Free Wi-Fi Internet access - all sites;
- Free access to public computers (limited timeframes all sites);
- Photocopying and printing - all sites (20c per page for A4 black and white, 40c per page A3 black and white, 50c per page A4 colour, $1 per page A3 colour)
- Free Scanning to your email or USB;
- Under Fives Children's Programing (school term time only); and
- Home Library Service for housebound borrowers (limited numbers) please contact us at the Library on 4913 3850.
Yeppoon Library
Address: 84 John Street, Yeppoon
Opening Hours:
9: 00 AM - 5: 00 PM Monday-Friday
9: 00 AM - 12: 00 PM Saturday
Contact: (07) 4913 3850
Email: Park Library and Council Customer Service
Address: 9 Hill Street, Emu Park
Opening Hours:
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monday-Friday (Customer Service Counter)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday-Friday (Library Service)9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday (Library Service)
Contact: (07) 4913 3874
Email: Library
Historic Raspberry Creek Homestead
Address: 2312 Byfield Road, Byfield
Opening Hours:
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Friday
Contact Yeppoon Library: (07) 4913 3850
Email: Library
Marlborough Historical Museum
Address: 15 Milman Street, Marlborough
Opening Hours
12.30 PM - 4:00 PM Wednesday
Contact Yeppoon Library: (07) 4913 3850
Email: Chalmers Library
Address: School Street, Mt Chalmers 4702
Opening Hours:
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Tuesday
Contact Yeppoon Library: (07) 4913 3850