Pest Management, Biosecurity and Invasive Animals

Council's Pest Management Officers are responsible for controlling invasive animals living on public land. They are also able to provide advice on how to control these animals to landowners who are experiencing the effect of invasive animals on their private land. For more information contact Council's Customer Service Centre on (07) 4913 5000.

  • Some Invasive animals are listed as restricted matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Restricted matter is found in Queensland and may have an adverse impact on human health, social amenity, the economy and the environment.

    Restricted matter is assigned category numbers from 1-7 based on its characteristics and the risks it poses. More than one category may be assigned if multiple restrictions are appropriate to counter the risks. A person must comply with the category requirement for the restricted matter unless otherwise authorised by regulation or permit. The categories are as follows:

    Category 1
    Restricted matter requires immediate containment or eradication to minimise the risk of spread. It must be reported to an inspector within 24 hours of an individual becoming aware of its presence and must be reported to the State.

    Category 2
    Restricted matter includes a range of plant and fish species that pose a significant biosecurity and require management. Category 2 restricted matter must be reported to an authorised officer (State or Local Government) within 24 hours of an individual becoming aware of its presence.

    Category 3 
    Restricted matter includes all invasive animals and plants where deliberate distribution or disposal is key source of spread. It must not be given as a gift, sold, traded or released into the environment unless the distribution or disposal is provided for in a regulation or under a permit. 

    Category 4
    Restricted matter includes specific invasive plants and animals that must not be moved to ensure they are not spread into other areas of the State. As with Category 3, the intention of this prohibition is to limit its distribution or spread. 

    Category 5
    Restricted matter cannot be possessed or kept under a person's control. This restricted matter category includes invasive species that have a high pest potential and capacity to impact heavily on the environment. There are exemptions for seized items, where the restricted matter is being held for identification purposes or under permit. 

    Category 6
    Restricted matter cannot be fed unless held under a restricted matter permit or for the purposes of poison baiting. This includes invasive animals and noxious fish which are not owned by a person. The intention of this prohibition is to discourage population growth.

    Category 7
    Restricted matter must be killed as soon as practicable and disposed of in a way described under a regulation. This is currently intended for the management of noxious fish.

    Invasive animals that are considered restricted matter in the Livingstone Shire include:

    Feral Cats  (Felis catus)
    Wild Dogs (Canis familiaris)
    Foxes  (Vulpes vulpes)
    Feral Pigs  (Sus scrofa)
    Rabbits  (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 
    Feral Rusa Deer  (Cervus timorensis)
    Feral Chital Deer (Axis axis)
    Feral Red Deer  (Cervus elaphus)
    Dingo  (Canis familiaris dingo or Canis lupus dingo) 
    Feral Goats  (Capra hircus)
    Tilapia  (Oreochromis mossambicus and Tilapia mariae)

    For Invasive Animal Fact Sheets, please visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

    Council can assist landowners to control invasive animals on their private land by:

    • Hiring out traps
    • Conducting and assisting in baiting programs
  • There are a number of methods available to control invasive animals. Successful long-term management of invasive animals relies on cooperation with neighbours and the coordination of pest management planning and control activities.

    Livingstone Shire Council and Biosecurity Queensland can provide expertise and technical support to help you choose the best control method. Chemical, physical or biological control are some methods which can be utilised.

    Agricultural chemical products should always be used in accordance with label instructions or permits issues by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.

    For further information on control methods please visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland (DAF) websitePestSmart website or contact a Pest Management Officer on 07 4913 5000.

  • Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) is a useful pesticide for the control of invasive animals and has been used throughout Australia since the early 1960s. 1080 is a species-specific pesticide currently available for invasive animal control in Australia. In Queensland, 1080 is registered or used under permit in the control of wild dogs, feral pigs, foxes, feral cats and rabbits.

    Council offers rural landholders the opportunity to participate in 1080 baiting programs to control invasive pest animals such as wild dogs and feral pigs on their properties within the Livingstone Shire. These campaigns are generally conducted in April/May (early Winter) and again in August/September (early Spring) targeting wild dog activity and breeding cycles.

    Landholders can apply directly to Queensland Health for a 1080 Permit allowing landholders to obtain, possess and use 1080 for the purpose of controlling invasive animal species.

    If you suspect your domestic animal has had contact with 1080, contact a vet immediately.

    For further information on Livingstone Shire Council's 1080 Baiting Program and how to become involved, please contact Council's Pest Management Unit on 07 4913 5000.

  • Pandanus Dieback is a disease found in Pandanus trees (Pandanus tectorius) largely caused 
    by an infestation of Pandanus Planthopper insects (Jamella australiae).

    View the Pandanus Dieback Fact Sheet to find out more information about this disease.

    If you have Pandanus trees on your own estate and wish to obtain further information on control techniques for the Jamella insect, please contact Council on 1300 790 919.

  • The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has launched an online one-stop information portal for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) preparedness. To support livestock emergency animal disease preparedness across Queensland, this eHub contains preparedness resources, enterprise biosecurity planning tools and training packages for land and livestock managers.

    Visit the Animal Disease Preparedness Hub

    In order to share new and updated information, the eHub allows users to register to receive regular notifications when new resources are shared. As both LSD and FMD have been confirmed in Indonesia, the need for vigilance, early reporting and ensuring every Livestock Supply Chain enterprise in northern Australia has an updated biosecurity plan in place are critical.

    The website also includes information regarding the Department's Livestock Industry Taskforce. LGAQ is a member of the Taskforce, which was established to improve Queensland’s LSD and FMD preparedness capability and surveillance across all stakeholder interests.

    If you have any questions or would like further information regarding the Taskforce and animal disease preparedness, please contact

Vector Control

The Vector Control Unit monitors and controls mosquitoes, biting midges (sandflies), flies and rats. All of these pests have the potential to transmit disease to humans and are termed vector agents.

  • Rats may represent a public health risk. Under the Public Health Act 2005 residents are responsible for the control of rats on their properties. Rats are likely to harbour and breed in litter and debris; residents can therefore discourage vermin harbourage by keeping their properties tidy and free from litter and debris.

    When there is a public health risk caused by rats, Council is responsible for administering and enforcing the Public Health Act 2005 in order to remove the risk. A Public Health Order may be issued to the owner/occupier of the premises requiring them with a requirement to eliminate the vermin breeding site to Council’s satisfaction within a certain period of time. If the owner/occupier does not comply with the Public Health Order. Council may then apply to the Court for an Enforcement Order to have the work undertaken at the owner’s/occupier’s expense.

    Should a potential vermin breeding site be suspected, residents may contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 790 919. Council’s Vector Control Unit will investigate potential breeding sites and take steps to remove the public health risk. 

  • Council’s Vector Control Unit has programs in place to control mosquitoes throughout the year. Council officers involved in vector management are responsible for:

    • Undertaking routine checks on urban and rural breeding sites
    • Treating mosquito breeding sites where appropriate
    • Misting of adult mosquitoes when deemed necessary, and 
    • Providing education to the public on other pests.

    Council also relies on residents to control mosquitoes around their homes. 

    There are more than 20 common species of mosquito in the Livingstone Shire area, some of which are capable of transmitting diseases to humans. These diseases include:

    Heartworm in dogs is also transmitted by mosquitoes. 

    Mosquitoes can potentially breed in any fresh (polluted and unpolluted), brackish or salt water. This includes stagnant pools, ponds, drains, channels and other vessels (e.g. pots, containers) which hold water. 

    Protect yourself and family by: 

    • ensuring insect screens are fitted to windows and doors, ensure mosquito-proof mesh that is less than 1mm  in size is used; 
    • repair any defective or damaged insect screens; 
    • use insect spray to kill any mosquitoes indoors; 
    • wear loose fitting, light coloured clothing that covers as much of the body as possible; 
    • mosquito coils can help protect you when outside but always follow instructions on the label; and 
    • wear insect repellent that contains DEET (diethyl toluamide) or picaridin on uncovered skin whenever mosquitoes are present, particularly when outdoors. Always follow instructions on the label. 
    • stay indoors when mosquitos are most active in the early morning and evening. 
    • Use the Mosquito Surveillance Check List for Residents 

    Mosquitoes and the Law

    Mosquitoes may represent a public health risk. Under the Public Health Act 2005 residents are responsible for the control of mosquitoes on their properties. 

    When there is a public health risk caused by mosquitoes, Council is responsible for administering and enforcing the Public Health Act 2005 in order to remove the risk. A Public Health Order may be issued to the owner/occupier of the premises with a requirement to eliminate the mosquito harbourage to Council’s satisfaction within a certain period of time. If the owner/occupier does not comply with the Public Health Order, Council may then apply to the Court for an Enforcement Order to have the work undertaken at the owner’s/occupier’s expense. 


    Livingstone Shire Council customers may request misting of their area if mosquitoes are deemed problematic. Misting involves the use of a synthetic pyrethroid which is registered for the control of mosquitoes in the community. Misting occurs from the back of a vehicle usually at dawn or dusk. Customers should note that misting should be undertaken only as a last resort, and with the following facts in mind:

    • Synthetic pyrethroid is not discriminatory – it kills all insects with which it comes into contact, not just mosquitoes, and
    • Misting is a very temporary treatment as it kills only the adult mosquitoes present on the day of misting.

    Mosquito Fact Sheets

    Asian Tiger Mosquito 
    Dengue Mosquito
    Salt Marsh Mosquito 
    Mosquito Borne Virus and Fevers
    GAT Trap and Mosquito Light Trap
    Dog Heartworm

  • You can take a big step towards living with midges by making sure you are protected 

    What are we doing?

    Livingstone Shire Council conducts adult biting midge control by misting with approved products, including the natural insecticide Pyrethrum, in areas of the Shire to reduce the biting midge numbers to an acceptable level.

    Interesting facts about midges 

    • Biting midges and sandflies are the same insect. 
    • Midges are present on all continents except Antarctica. Adults are about 1-2mm long, much smaller than  the mosquito. 
    • The midge life cycle from egg to adult, is no more than eight weeks. 
    • Midges do not breed in grass, trees or other foliage, they only harbour in these areas. 
    • Midges are not known to be carriers of any human disease in Australia. 
    • In overcast humid weather, midges are known to bite day and night.
    • Midge numbers will increase around the time of the full and new moons.  

    Only the female bites because she needs a blood meal to produce viable eggs. Midges are known as pool feeders  because they use their proboscis like a saw to create a tiny hole in the skin (into which a pool of blood can flow).  Saliva is injected into the pool to help the flow of blood. It is this saliva that causes the allergic reaction and itching.  

    Useful tips 

    Personal reaction to bites varies from slight redness which disappears in half an hour or less, to severe inflammation.  If you react rapidly and the swellings are small, you are reasonably immune so treatment may not be needed and the swelling and itch will soon go away. 

    For these less severe cases, the following tips may help reduce the effects of bites: 

    • A hot bath may provide temporary relief. 
    • Antihistamine creams or lotions from the chemist are quite effective, but do not apply them when the skin  is broken. 
    • Some insect repellents also give relief to the bite, providing the individual’s skin is not sensitive to  the repellent. 
    • If you react hours or days later to a bite, whether you felt the bite or not, your immunity is poor and you are likely to be more severely affected.  If your reaction is very severe, consult your doctor.

    Mosquito coils and most insect repellants are effective against midges

Biosecurity Plan

Livingstone Shire Council’s five-year Biosecurity Plan 2025 - 2029 was developed for the benefit of the whole community and applies to the entire shire. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014.  


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