Property Access and Numbering

Property Access

The property owner is responsible for the provision and maintenance of vehicle access from the roadway to the property boundary as regulated in Council's Local Law.  An Application for Operational Works may be required and can be lodged via our  Online Service Centre. Contact Council's Duty Planner for any enquiries.

  • Roads with kerb and channel

    The property owner is responsible for providing access across the kerb and channel. In areas where there are steep cross falls on the roadway and/or verge area, a bridge type crossing may be allowed to prevent vehicles scraping as they enter the driveway.  The Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG) provides self-assessable solutions for crossovers and driveways. For crossovers and driveways that do not comply with the Livingstone Planning Scheme 2018 an Operational Works Permit will be required. Applications may be submitted via Council’s Online Service Centre. Property owners are responsible for constructing and maintaining the driveways and crossovers. For any further enquiries please contact Council's Duty Planner.

    Roads with no kerb and channel

    The property owner is responsible for constructing the access / driveway from the road pavement to the property boundary. Self-assessable solutions are provided in the CMDG. For accesses / driveways that do not comply with the Livingstone Planning Scheme 2018 an Operational Works Permit will be required. Applications may be submitted via Council’s Online Service Centre. Property owners are responsible for constructing and maintaining the driveways and crossovers. For any further enquiries please contact Council's Duty Planner.

  • Property Owner
    • Determine if proposed works is self-assessable development.
    • If application required, apply for Council permit  to construct a property access / crossover / driveway.
    • Prior to construction, obtain the location of all services in the road reserve by contacting Dial Before You Dig on 1100.
    • Construct property access / crossover / driveway.  
    • Maintain the property access to a standard that is safe for all road users, including pedestrians.
    • Where Council alters or removes part of an existing legally constructed property access for Council purposes, it will reinstate the access at an equal or higher standard than existed prior to the work taking place.

Property Numbering

The property owner is responsible for the provision and maintenance of individual property numbers as regulated in Council’s Local Law for Roads. Numbers must be easily read from the roadway to enable a property to be identified by emergency services vehicles, taxis, service authorities and the general public.

  • In the urban area all properties are allocated a street number by Council. These street numbers should be clearly displayed on the property.

    Confirmation of a property number may be obtained from our Customer Service Centre. Please note that corner properties may have the option of one of two addresses depending on the access restrictions, due to the road classification, found in Council’s property notes.

  • The allocated rural addressing number is determined in a logical sequence based on the distance of the property access from the start of the road and will be known as the principal address of a property.

    Each number represents the distance (in metres), divided by 10 from the road’s commencement point, and adjusted slightly to achieve odd numbers on the left hand side and even numbers on the right hand side of the road. This system aids the location of property entrances by allowing drivers to measure distances from a given point.

    Rural address numbers have replaced duplicate lot numbers, PMB and CMB and other numbering systems used in the past.

    Confirmation of a property number may be obtained from our Customer Service Centre. To ensure uniformity of the system throughout the Shire, Council provides standard number posts with the reflective rural address number adhered to both sides of the post.

  • For initial implementation, Council will supply number signs (free of charge) to every ratepayer who has an existing residence/access driveway leading from the nominated road. Vacant lots will not be issued with a sign until such time that a dwelling or shed is constructed. When an existing vacant lot is subdivided it is the developer’s responsibility to pay for the rural addressing of the additional lots. That is Council pays for one rural addressing number, developer pays for the balance.

    For new residents, upon receipt of an application for a Building Permit for the initial habitable dwelling on a vacant lot, Council will advise the property owner to apply for Works in Council Controlled Areas and Roads. Council will supply a number sign (free of charge) to the access driveway when workmen are next in the area.

  • Kerb and channelled roadways: The number is to be painted or fixed to the kerb, or erected on the road frontage boundary of the property. 

    Non-kerbed roadways: The rural addressing sign shall be erected at the far side of the access drive approximately 1.0m outside the line of guideposts/shoulder of the road/or property side of the piped crossing or adjacent to the mail box in a visible location. The top of the sign is to be 1.0m to 1.2m above the ground, where possible.

    Single access to multiple lots: Where a combined access leaves the road to service two or more lots, signs are to be placed at the near and far sides of this access reflecting the number of lots served by the combined access road (i.e. the lowest and the highest number).

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