
Understanding Snakes in Central Queensland

Central Queensland is home to both venomous and non-venomous snakes, which are crucial to the region’s ecosystem.

Snakes play a vital role in maintaining environmental balance. As middle-order predators, they help control the populations of prey species, preventing overpopulation and contributing to the overall health of natural ecosystems. Additionally, they serve as a food source for larger predators.

While most snakes are not dangerous if left undisturbed, they are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. It is illegal to harm or remove snakes from the wild.

What You Should Do

If you encounter a snake indoors, maintain a safe distance and encourage it to leave if it can do so safely. Avoid trapping or aggravating the snake.

For outdoor sightings, secure your home by closing doors and bringing pets inside until the snake moves on.

If the snake presents a danger to people or pets, contact a licensed snake removal and relocation service. These services can be found online or in the Yellow Pages, and their cost is the responsibility of the property owner or occupant.

Preventative Measures

Prevention is key when managing snake encounters. Keep all doors closed when not in use and seal any gaps in your home’s structure, including around doors, windows, and garages. Regularly mow your lawn and keep your yard tidy, removing potential food sources and shelter-like piles of green waste.

How Council Can Help

If you are concerned about long grass or neglected properties in your area, please reach out to the Council’s Customer Service Centre at 1300 790 919.

For concerns regarding the maintenance of Council land, the same contact number applies.

Role of the State Government

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation issues Damage Mitigation Permits, which allow for the legal removal and relocation of wildlife by authorised contractors. If you need information or have complaints related to licensing, contact the Department on 1300 130 372.

Additional Resources

Living with Snakes
Snakes of Central Queensland
Nature Conservation Act 1992

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