Outstanding individuals and community group recognised at the 2024 Livingstone Shire Australia Day Awards


A celebration of true community spirit was held this afternoon for the 2024 Livingstone Shire Australia Day Awards, honouring those citizens who go above and beyond to make Livingstone Shire a wonderful place to call home.

Individuals and members of a local organisation who volunteer their time and energy to inspire pride in our community, were honoured at an afternoon tea at The Hub in Beaman Park.

Nine-year-old community champion Izac Campbell was among these recipients, awarded Young Citizen of the Year for his dedication to those doing it tough, creating his own food and gift hampers known as Izac’s Helping Hand.

Chair of the Australia Day Awards Committee, Councillor Clint Swadling, congratulated all of the nominees and winners for their valuable contributions.

“One of the unique attributes of the Livingstone community has always been the number of individuals and groups who distinguished themselves either through exceptional community service or personal high achievement,” Cr Swadling said.

“Whether through service clubs, involvement in sport, agriculture or fields as diverse as protecting our environment and contributions to the youth or senior citizens of our shire, these groups and individuals make a huge contribution in our community.

“On behalf of the community and Council, I applaud the recipients for their outstanding service and commitment both to the Livingstone community and our region.

Mayor Andy Ireland said today was about acknowledging the stories of dedication, compassion, and service that often go untold but are the heartbeat of our community.

“As we celebrate Australia Day, we also celebrate the unity that defines us and the shared values that make our community strong and resilient,” Mayor Ireland said.

“To the award recipients, Council would like to extend its heartfelt congratulations and gratitude for your exceptional contributions. Your impact is immeasurable.

“I would also like to thank and commend Councillor Swadling and this year’s awards committee members for their fine efforts.”

The 2024 Australia Day Award recipients are as follows:

Young Citizen of the Year - Mr Izac Campbell

Izac, who just 9 years old, has been making up food hampers every fortnight in his spare time that he then delivers to a nominated family within our shire who is doing it a bit tough. The increase in people being nominated is growing by the week, and the demand is high. Izac carries out this wonderful community service with his family. His mum and sibling often purchasing these items for the hampers themselves, with occasional items and gift cards being donated.

Izacs’s undeniable kindness, gratitude, tenacity, strong family values, empathy and dedication to his cause at such a young age are wonderful qualities to be admired and congratulated.


Mr Andrew Willis

Andrew has committed his working life to sharing in the raising of our communities’ children. He first started as a teacher of Yeppoon State High school (YSHS) in 1992. Since then, he has been an active citizen of the Livingstone Shire Community in multiple fields including education, volunteering with Yeppoon Lions Club projects; including fund raising barbeques, Youth of the Year, Pinefest, Yeppoon race meets, fundraising for Movember, volunteering as a rural firie, and coordinating the Yeppoon State High School Student Action Group. His enthusiastic contribution to our community has changed many lives and he works every day to make our community, a great place for us live.

Yeppoon Choral Society

The Yeppoon Choral Society Inc has been providing opportunities for locals to sing and perform together since 1965. Not only does singing help improve mental and physical health, belonging to a choir or musical cast creates an opportunity for members to feel a sense of camaraderie and develop friendships. YCS has collaborated with many other community organisations over the decades, including Yeppoon Lions, Keppel Girl Guides, CARV, Keppel Coast and Rockhampton Photography clubs and various churches, schools and community bands.
At least one concert and one musical has been performed almost every year, which are the culmination of many hours of rehearsals and other administrative and backstage preparations. The Yeppoon Choral Society are a great example of a not-for-profit performing arts group helping to create strong links within their community and bridging gaps between generations.

Peta Bosomworth

Peta Bosomworth is an experienced senior teacher in a local primary school. She has a passion for our community and demonstrates this through volunteering her spare time at work running many extra curricula activities for students and mentoring staff, as well as her various volunteer roles within multiple local community organisations.

Peta has mentored and been a positive role model for new Rotary members, sports trainers, players, coaches, teachers, students and broader community members as she volunteers her time, being visible across many areas of our community.

Rural and Agriculture

Steve Elson

Steve has made an extensive and exemplary contribution to the community of central Queensland over an extended period. Over the last decade he has devoted many hours per week as a volunteer for the community's benefit. His contribution to environmental issues is exemplary. Mr Elson’s quiet and efficient leadership of various groups are helping to make a positive contribution to the community, seen as a mentor to numerous people over the years. The community benefits tangibly from the successful revegetation projects undertaken as well as from resources developed for future projects.

Mr Elson is an active member of organisations such as Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Capricorn Conservation Council, Native Plants Queensland, Nankin Rural Fire Brigade as well as contributing to projects with Fitzroy Basin Association and Queensland National Parks and Wildlife. He is leader of his local RFB and is leader of the group known informally as the OGRES of Mt Etna (Old Guys Restoring Ecosystems). This group have been involved in a revegetation project at Mt Etna National Park for the past decade and the work has become an exemplar for what can be achieved with several groups visiting the area to learn from the project.

Kelly McCosker

Kelly excels in her full-time role as a Client Relationships Manager and works around the clock to be there for the Shire’s farmers with their businesses, relationships, land and production practices.
For over 10 years Kelly has worked tirelessly in supporting and nurturing our farmers in Regenerative Agriculture practices to help make farming more resilient, to produce healthier food and strengthening our rural community.
Kelly is an inspirational role model to our younger children here in Yeppoon, not only in Agriculture but also for her community support, spending many afternoons and weekends teaching singing and dancing and even helping to host concerts for our youngsters. 

Living Legend

Ken Landsberg

Ken Landsberg has been at the forefront of our community for almost a decade, serving as the President of the Yeppoon and Show Society. His commitment to the Yeppoon Show over the past 14 years has left an indelible mark on our community.

Ken Landsberg's passion for the Yeppoon Show has not only transformed the event but has also become an integral part of our cultural fabric.

His tireless efforts have significantly enhanced the show's impact, providing our residents with an annual celebration that brings joy, unity, and a sense of pride to Livingstone Shire.

Through his leadership, Ken has fostered a spirit of community engagement and togetherness, making the Yeppoon Show a highlight on our calendar that brings people from all walks of life together.

Mayoral Award

President of the Capricorn Coast Netball Association – Tanya Burnett
Tanya, in her role as Capricorn Coast Netball President, has demonstrated exemplary leadership and organisational skills.

Her dedication and hard work were especially evident in the success of the Capricorn Coast Junior Netball Carnival last year, where a record-breaking 164 teams participated in a celebration of sportsmanship and teamwork.

Tanya's efforts have not only elevated the sport of netball in our community but have also provided countless young athletes with an opportunity to showcase their talents and build lifelong skills. Her commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive environment within the Capricorn Coast Netball community has made a lasting impact on the lives of many.