Council Joins Forces for Cat and Dog Desexing Program


To coincide with National Desexing Month this July, Livingstone Shire Council is proud to announce a new initiative aimed at reducing the number of unwanted cats and dogs in our community.

Council has partnered with Four Paws Adoption and Education Inc. and local veterinary clinics to provide eligible residents with vouchers valued at $200 to assist with the cost of desexing their registered dogs and cats.

Four Paws Adoption and Education Inc., which ceased operations in 2022, approached the Council with the proposal to utilise their remaining funds to support responsible pet ownership. This collaboration ensures the continuation of their mission to promote animal welfare in the region.

Development and Environment Committee Co-Chair Councillor Pat Eastwood said managing unwanted animals comes at a considerable cost to the community. It also causes stress to both the animals and the people who care for and rehome them.

“This joint initiative is a significant step towards reducing the number of stray and unwanted animals in our community,” Cr Eastwood said.

“By offering these vouchers, we are helping pet owners take responsible actions that benefit both their pets and the broader community.

“Desexing contributes to healthier and longer lives for cats and dogs by reducing the risk of various cancers and reproductive diseases, and preventing them from roaming and being in accidents.

“This program makes desexing more affordable for pet owners, reflecting our commitment to supporting pet owners and enhancing the wellbeing of animals in our Shire. 

“Acacia Veterinary Clinic and Quality Veterinary Care Centre are participating in this program for Livingstone Shire Council residents. We thank the local veterinary clinics for helping with this community service.

“I encourage all pet owners with non-desexed dogs or cats to take advantage of this discounted desexing program.”

To support the initiative of reducing unwanted pets, Council has recently added an ‘Available for Adoption’ feature on its Lost and Found Animals webpage, so residents can clearly see which listed animals are looking for their forever home.

Interested pet owners can view the desexing voucher terms and conditions and apply here.

The vouchers will be available only while program funding lasts.

Benefits of desexing your cat or dog:

  • Reduces Council animal registration fees
  • Reduces roaming, therefore preventing pet injury or death
  • Prevents unwanted litters
  • Improves health and longevity
  • Lowers the burden on animal shelters and the pound
  • Decreases territorial behaviour, such as aggression and spraying