Preparing for your visit to the Waste Disposal Facility
Prior to visiting one of the region's waste facilities, it is worth considering what types of waste you have for disposal and which are suitable for recycling
- Sort your load before you leave home into what can be recycled and what needs to be landfilled
- At the Yeppoon Landfill, there are greater opportunities for recycling and you will be directed to the recycling drop off areas prior to disposing of any general waste in the transfer bins
- At the smaller sites, please refer to signage for direction and instructions.
How to sort and segregate your load?
Before you start loading your waste, separate the recyclable waste items from the general waste and place all waste material into piles depending on type.
- Place all general waste, destined for Landfill, at the rear of your load as you will drop this off last.
- Stack piles of greenwaste, timber, soil, concrete around the sides and middle and place any scrap metal and flattened cardboard on the top.
- Remember any cooking or motor oil should be transported in a sealed container to prevent leakage.
- Comingled recyclables and any items suitable for reuse or recycling at the Yeppoon Recycle Market should be stacked at the front of the load.
- It is also essential to remember to secure your load by tying it down with a rope or straps or covering with a net or tarpaulin to prevent litter or potential road accidents.
- On arrival at the waste facility, the attendant on site will direct you to the Yeppoon Recycle Market and/or the recycling drop off areas or you can follow the signage.
- By sorting and segregating your waste prior to visiting the waste facility, you will not only find it easier and neater to load but quicker and safer to dispose of the waste at the designated areas when you reach the site.
- You will also be assisting Livingstone Shire Council in improving its resource recovery and recycling rates by diverting waste from Landfill.

What are the benefits of waste segregation?
Livingstone Shire Council are working towards improving resource recovery through increasing recycling facilities at the Waste Facilities in the region for both domestic and commercial customers. This in turn is helping to divert waste from Landfill.
Encouraging people to utilise the recycling facilities available at these sites lessens the environmental impact of waste disposal by reducing the volume of waste going to Landfill. With limited available space and restrictions on new Landfill establishment, the provision of recycling facilities offers an effective and more sustainable alternative to managing the shire's waste.
Feedback to Council suggests that the majority of users approve of the new recycling opportunities available at the waste disposal facilities and there is demand for further expansion of these recycling facilities.
- Sort it!
- Load it!
- Recycle it!
By sorting and segregating your load, you will not only save yourself time and effort, but will also be making a positive contribution to the economic and environmental future of Livingstone Shire.