Primary school students learn about pest management with interactive Fox Detection Dog visit


Emu Park State School students received a special visit from a fox detection dog yesterday, helping to raise awareness about pest animals and Council’s pest management strategies.

Portfolio holder for Water, Waste Management and the Environment, Councillor Andrea Friend said the fox detection dog display at the school was aimed at raising awareness of the positive work within pest management throughout Livingstone. 

“This project has been a fantastic opportunity to work in close partnership with the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Fitzroy Basin Association, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, and a number of private land owners for the past three years,” Cr Friend said.  

“By working together across all land tenures on the Capricorn Coast, this has increased our success in managing pests that are impacting on our native wildlife such as turtle nests, curlews and ground nesting birds.

“The students were fascinated by the dog’s skills and learnt about the importance of pest management in our Shire. They were able to interact with the dog by giving it a piece of material with a pest’s scent and hiding it in various locations throughout the school grounds for the dog to locate.

“The display was an effective example of raising awareness and providing education to our community’s younger generation. The display not only raised the importance of pest management, it also highlights the impacts pests can have on our beautiful natural environment.

“These impacts can lead to reduced populations of native species, a decline in the quality and quantity of their habitats, and ultimately the extinction of some native species.

“We live in a region that has a diverse landscape of beaches, bushland, open spaces, and rainforest. Consequently, it is important for residents to be aware of the types of pests that may inhabit their localities.” 

Residents can learn more about pest management by visiting Council’s website at

Tips for Pest Management 

• Secure food waste and ensure pet food bowls are emptied and clean

• Monitor property for tracks and signs of pest animals (for example: bird carcasses)

• Co-operative planning of control measures with neighbours improves success 

• Report any sightings of pest animals to local government, (for example fox dens)