Paid parking at Yeppoon Lagoon to recommence from October 5


Paid parking at the Yeppoon Lagoon precinct will recommence from October 5, 2020, after being suspended for a period of time due to COVID-19.

Regulated (timed) parking in Yeppoon was reinstated in July.

Portfolio holder of Vibrant Community (Tourism, Events and Culture), Councillor Tanya Lynch, said regulated and paid parking was initially suspended in March to assist businesses as a result of COVID-19 impacts.

“Over the past few months, due to easing government restrictions, there’s been a significant increase in business and leisure activity in the shire and it’s time paid parking was reinstated,” Cr Lynch said.

“The school holidays have seen a boost in revenue for a lot of businesses in Yeppoon and reinstating paid parking around Yeppoon Lagoon facilitates fairer and more equitable access to convenient parking.

“Council will install additional signage at the facility for those who regularly visit the Yeppoon Lagoon and may not be aware of the changes.”

Council is reminding patrons to park front-in and to only park in the designated parking bays.

Visitors can make payments via card only pay stations or by using the Capricorn Coast Smart Parking App.

The Yeppoon Lagoon also has a drop-off zone and patrons can park in the Yeppoon multi-level car park all day for free.

To view detailed maps of the parking zones in Yeppoon please visit: