How would you balance Council’s budget? Residents invited to have their say with new budget simulation tool!


Livingstone Shire Council will be the first Local Government in Australia to engage an innovative simulation tool that gives residents the opportunity to build their own Council draft budget.

Launching online today, users will have the opportunity to balance $136 million and build their ideal draft annual budget via the Balancing Act Simulation Tool. 

Mayor Andy Ireland said this was an exciting first for Council that supported its goal to provide transparent financial data to the community.

“Budget deliberation can be a complex balancing act, so we want to give Livingstone residents the opportunity to understand what goes into building the budget,” Mayor Ireland said.

“It’s important for users to keep in mind that Council also has longer-term major projects that require fixed amounts of funding and are difficult to adjust. 

“For example, the Stanage Bay Road upgrades, the Capricorn Memorial Gardens, or any projects that have received funding from the State and Federal Governments. 

“Spending on these major projects are essential in delivering outcomes expected by the community.” 

Deputy Mayor Councillor Adam Belot said residents can jump online and get started right now by navigating their way around the Revenue and Spending Tabs.

“Each draft budget item includes their dollar amount, details on where the money comes from, and where spending is currently allocated in the adopted budget for 2020-21,” Cr Belot said. 

“The information provided by residents will assist Councillors with the budget deliberations which will begin later this year. Council will produce a draft budget and consult with the community in April 2021, based on the information provided.

“Council sincerely appreciates the community’s feedback across all areas with respect of improving its services and this is another step in the right direction towards increasing Council’s meaningful engagement with residents of Livingstone.”

Two interactive information sessions will also be held on Wednesday 28 October, 9am and 11am for those who would like personal assistance with using the software. Please email to RSVP as numbers are limited.

Residents are also welcome to provide a formal pre-budget submission to Council as part of this project. 

For more information or to access the budget simulation tool, please visit Council’s online engagement platform, Get Involved, at