Valued community feedback collated on Keppel Kraken Maintenance Options


Council has resolved to remove cement blocks at the Keppel Kraken, after a number of maintenance options were offered to improve the facility’s safety following a recent community survey.

Mayor Andy Ireland said it was fantastic to see residents take the time to share their preferences with Council on the subject.

“Council genuinely appreciates the feedback received from users of the facility and interested community members, which will help shape its decision-making in review of the safety options proposed. 

“Council is thrilled to announce that the project has been allocated $105,000 from the Queensland Government Works for Queensland programme, which would achieve delivery of the community’s preferred option,” Mayor Ireland said. 

“Over 80 percent of survey participants voted in favour of safety improvements at the Kraken, with the majority of votes in favour of replacing the blocks with a water feature. 

“This was clearly the preferred option out of the 10 options available. 

“While this will initially cost approximately $95,000 in construction (now Queensland Government funded), its annual maintenance costs will be minimal, estimated at $5,000, which is significantly less than the maintenance cost within other options and will still provide users of the facility with a safer water feature. However, the cost of the change is insignificant when compared to our children’s safety.

“Council would like to thank the Queensland Government on its funding contribution towards this important community infrastructure upgrade in the interest of our children’s safety,” Mayor Ireland said. 

In the meantime, the cascading water flow over the blocks will remain turned off until works commence.