Wishing Livingstone Shire residents a very sustainable Christmas!


Christmas is a time of joy and celebration and whilst the holiday period will look a little different this year, the amount of waste generated will remain the same. 

Australians can create up to 30 per cent more excess waste during the festive season, so now is the time to be mindful of what we are buying and how we can reduce our waste this festive session. 

By making small changes and getting creative this year, you can limit the amount of excess waste used within your household and reduce your environmental impact at the same time – which is definitely something to celebrate! 

Portfolio holder for Water, Waste Management and the Environment, Councillor Andrea Friend, urged all Livingstone Shire residents to actively take on the responsibility for sustainability and reducing their excess waste this festive season. 

“The Capricorn Coast is one of the most beautiful areas in the world to live and we want to make sure it remains just as beautiful for future generations,” Cr Friend said. 

“These following tips are for your consideration and whichever options you choose to incorporate, we hope you have a most wonderful festive season.”


• Plan your feast responsibly! Write a list, shop smart, and don’t over buy. Organise a generous amount for each person at the event and stick to the plan when shopping. 

• Always remember your reusable bags!

• Be prepared for any leftovers that may occur – keep glass jars, beeswax wraps and reusable containers. Avoid using any single use products where possible. 


• Get creative and make handmade decorations by reusing and recycling any spare craft materials, fresh flowers, sticks etcetera.

• Choose to use LED lighting inside and outside of your house

• If purchasing Christmas decorations, ensure you store and look after them so that they will last forever and handed down through the generations. 


• Choose useful, practical, and thoughtful gifts for the recipient

• Buy people experiences rather than physical items

• Purchase ‘Green Gifts’ – most stores now promote items that are created sustainability or why not purchase a gift for a loved one that helps them on their sustainable journey? 

• Often local charity shops have great second hand books, games, puzzles, bakeware, dining sets etcetera with little to no wear and tear, that can be gifted or repurposed

• Get creative with wrapping! 

The Clean Up

• Set up waste stations on the day so people have easy access to recycling, food scraps, and general waste designated bins

• Clean up using homemade or chemical free cleaning products