Tourism booms on the Cap Coast post Covid-19


The Capricorn Coast and Hinterlands were the holiday destinations for many travellers over the Christmas period with a large number of hotels, motels, restaurants, and attractions fully booked out!

Livingstone Shire Council Mayor, Andy Ireland, said the overwhelming demand for tourism services in the Shire was wonderful to see, post the crippling blow of Covid-19.

“The tourism industry was heavily impacted but the fact that many Aussies are looking to travel locally, as soon as they can, has been great for tourism operators, sector workers, and the industry as a whole,” Mayor Ireland said.

“Younger Australians, in particular, have been eager to escape the confines of home and have voiced a need for a change of scenery.

“Picturesque Great Keppel Island, Yeppoon Lagoon, Mt Etna Walking Track, Wreck Point Scenic Lookout, Byfield, and Cooberrie Park Wildlife Sanctuary were popular destinations over the break.”

Mayor Ireland said that the tourism industry’s engine has now restarted so it’s essential operators begin to anticipate what the new normal might look like.

“Local tourism providers should continue to actively communicate with prospective customers, maintain a strong online presence and be available to take enquiries should they come in,” he said.

“The pandemic has changed tourists’ travel behaviours, which means that tourism looks slightly different now.

“Tourists care more about hygiene standards in accommodation, public transport, public facilities, and recreational sites than they did before the virus.

“The ‘new normal’ is also starting to include the consideration of travel destinations, restrictions in place, different levels of risk, social distancing and staying safe.

“We need to use this time to anticipate what tourism in the future might look like and prepare for it.”

Mayor Ireland said Capricorn Enterprise is helping business owners in the tourism and hospitality sector rebound by providing extensive Covid-19 information as well.

“Information on their website includes links to health advice, essential information, travel restrictions, financial assistance, industry support, managing staff, and much more,” he said.

“In addition, there are several free online training programmes helping business owners in the tourism and hospitality sector rebound post Covid-19.

“Tafe Queensland is offering a range of free training options for businesses and individuals affected by Covid-19.

“As the economy continues its buoyancy, it’s important that we continue to take precautions to reduce the chance of Covid-19 outbreaks.”

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