Keppel Kraken Sea Creatures to be removed this week

Council would like to advise that three of the ornate sea creatures located within the Keppel Kraken wet play area on the Yeppoon foreshore will be removed this week following the ongoing monitoring of their condition over several years.
The decision to permanently remove the crab, turtle, and stingray installations has been made following numerous unsuccessful attempts to halt the ongoing deterioration of these structures.
Council has been advised that these structures are beyond repair and pose an ongoing safety risk to users of the facility. 
The three sea creatures have been barricaded off in the short term and are scheduled to be removed on Thursday, 21 January. The structures will not be replaced.
Council is currently in the planning stages for commencing work on the removal of the hexagonal blocks located at the southern end of the Keppel Kraken facility, after a number of maintenance options were offered to improve the facility’s safety.
The project has been allocated $105,000 from the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland programme, which will achieve delivery of the community’s preferred option.
More information on the progress of these works will be made available to the community in the near future.