2021 Livingstone Shire Australia Day Awards honours its community champions!


Members of the Yeppoon Lions Club for over 50 years collectively, John and Estelle Lindsay have gone above and beyond in service of the community, and were both awarded Citizen of the Year at the 2021 Livingstone Shire Australia Day Awards!

Individuals and local groups who volunteer their time and energy to inspire pride in our community were honoured at Sunday’s ceremony at the Yeppoon Town Hall.

Following the 2019 bushfires, John and Estelle have worked hard to provide support to local families and emergency services as integral parts of the Disaster Response Sub-Committee of Yeppoon Lions Club. 

The dedicated couple helped manage donations, provide water supplies, roof and tank cleaning, and personally visited many fire-ravaged families to coordinate how the Club and the community could best meet their needs.

Chair of the Australia Day Awards Committee Deputy Mayor Adam Belot congratulated all of the nominees and winners for their valuable contributions to the Livingstone community.

“The Community Group Service Award was awarded to the Capricorn Coast Visitor Information Centre, Owen Harris was named the Young Citizen of the Year and also received the Mayoral Award, while Mr Barry Semple was awarded the Living Legend Award, and one of our newest categories, the Outstanding Dedication to Public Service Award, which was awarded to Mr Trevor Caunt,” Cr Belot said. 

“As Chair of the Australia Day Awards Committee, I’m thrilled to be part of sharing the achievements of these remarkable community members, who enrich the lives of those around them by making a positive impact through the things they do to help others.

“On behalf of the committee and judging panel I would like to extend our sincere congratulations to both the winners and all the nominees for the 2021 awards.”

Mayor Andy Ireland said these awards provide an opportunity to acknowledge the fantastic work, and often exceptional contributions that our community champions make each and every year. 

“Whether through service clubs, involvement in sport, the arts or fields as diverse as protecting our environment and contributions to the economic development of our shire, it is their selfless contributions that truly define Livingstone Shire as the vibrant, inclusive and caring community we live in today,” Mayor Ireland said.   

“On behalf of the Council and the entire community, I would like to congratulate all award nominees and recipients for being leading citizens and role models. You inspire us and challenge us all to make a positive difference in our community.

“I would also like to thank and commend Councillor Belot and this year’s awards committee members for their efforts in selecting the winners, noting they would have had some challenging deliberations given the high calibre of nominees once again this year.”


The 2021 Australia Day Award recipients are as follows:

Living Legend – Mr Barry Semple

Barry has worked as a volunteer after retirement with numerous organisations and has demonstrated his outstanding commitment to community as a Rural firefighter and member of the Coastguard. Barry is the founder of the Lex Semple Memorial Charity Santa Run, is a member of the Historical Village at Parkhurst and sailing club In Yeppoon, and was Lance Corporal within Army Reserve medical core in his younger days.


Citizen(s) of the Year – Lion John Lindsay and Lion Estelle Lindsay

John and Estelle Lindsay have been active members of the Yeppoon Lions Club for over 50 years collectively. Since the 2019 bushfires, they have worked hard to provide support to local families and emergency services as integral parts of the Disaster Response Sub-Committee of Yeppoon Lions. 

John and Estelle helped manage donations, provide water supplies, roof and tank cleaning, and personally visited many fire-ravaged families to coordinate how the Club and the community could best meet their needs.


Young Citizen of the Year and Mayoral Award Recipient – Owen Harris

Owen is a six year old Wildlife Warrior who is extremely passionate about everything wildlife and conservation. Owen has raised nearly $7,000 for the Wildlife Warriors organisation and was announced the Wildlife Warrior of the year by the Irwin family in 2019 for all his efforts. In 2020 Owen contributed to the bushfire recovery efforts by building water stations for wildlife affected by drought and the severe wildfires. 

Owen is a member, volunteers and also fundraises for many environmental organisations such as Landcare, the Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, the Marine Wildlife Stranding and Team Turtle CQ. He is the youngest ambassador for Tangaroa Blue and Reefclean. Owen’s passion and dedication is fuelled by his need to protect wildlife from adverse effects caused mostly by humans and his realisation that we are all part of the system and all have a responsibility to do our part.


Community Group Service Award – Capricorn Coast Visitor Information Centre

The Capricorn Coast Visitor Information  Centre volunteer team consists of 35 enthusiastic volunteers who work to keep the Centre open seven days per week, providing visitors with up to date and relevant information about our region and promoting local attractions and businesses. 

In 2020, the COVID pandemic brought many challenges to the team which they have navigated with diligence and dedication.


Outstanding Dedication Public Service Award – Mr Trevor Caunt

Trevor has an extensive career and has volunteered well past his retirement in 2001, compiling immense experience and being recognised for his achievements throughout Queensland and New South Wales. 

He has been deployed to fight fires across the country and in the Livingstone region. Trevor has accomplished many speaking engagements on the importance of preparing for a disaster and fire safety, and has trained countless Rural Fire Fighters throughout Central Queensland