Community update - Livingstone Shire Council urges swimmers not to be complacent, following near-drowning incident at Yeppoon’s Ross Creek


Livingstone Shire Council wants the community and beach-goers to be aware of the dangers of strong currents at the mouth of Ross Creek, following a near-drowning incident last weekend. 

A BlueFit spokesperson reported that a lady was on a paddleboard with her dog at the entrance of Yeppoon’s Ross Creek, when she found herself stuck in a rip and heading out to sea between, 12.30pm – 1.00pm on Saturday, January 30. 

“Panicking, she was yelling and waving her arms around, calling for help. Yeppoon Lagoon lifeguards were soon made aware of this, ran down to the beachfront, rescued her and brought her back to the shore,” the BlueFit spokesperson said.   

The Yeppoon Lagoon was evacuated and an ambulance was called.  

“There was no question that that lady was in trouble. The lifeguards involved in the rescue did an exemplary job, they went above and beyond what they were asked to do at the Lagoon,” he said. 

“Our priority is the Lagoon, not the ocean. But, in saying that, if something is brought to our attention and we have the capability to go and assist someone, we always will of course. 

“Our lifeguards are extensively trained, we do quarterly training and their qualifications are renewed every 12 months. They followed the correct procedure that day and stopped the lady from potentially dying. 

“I am quite proud of them.”  

This is the second rescue at Ross Creek within three years.  

“Ultimately, there is a bad rip as the tide goes out of Ross Creek. Sadly, people don’t tend to follow the instructions of swimming between the flags or looking at the signs saying, ‘strong current’, and decide to go for a swim,” the BlueFit spokesperson said. 

“The key message to the community is, if you’re going to go swimming at the beach – swim between the flags and swim within your own abilities.” 

Council is urging residents to exercise common-sense when entering any body of water, especially the ocean where rips and undercurrents could be present, putting your safety and the safety of others at risk. 

Council’s message to swimmers is to not be complacent, especially in the area in front of the Lagoon where Ross Creek flows to Keppel Bay.  

Please remember the safest place to swim at any beach is in the patrolled area, between the red and yellow flags. 

Lifeguard top tips 

  • Always swim between the red and yellow flags 
  • Read the safety signs 
  • Ask a lifeguard for safety advice 
  • Swim with a friend 
  • If you need help, stay calm and attract attention  

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