Livingstone Shire Council strives towards becoming a zero-waste community


Livingstone Shire Council is developing a Waste Management Strategy and is seeking feedback from the community around its current waste management priorities, now and into the future.

Portfolio holder of Water, Waste Management and Environment, Councillor Andrea Friend, said Council is striving towards creating a behavioural shift to a circular economy and ultimately, becoming a zero-waste community.

“Council’s objective is to lead and support the community to create behavioural change, implement resource recovery initiatives, and achieve excellence in waste elimination,” Cr Friend said.

“The Waste Management Strategy will be guided by National Waste Police, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Queensland Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy, Queensland Waste Levy, and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.

“The strategy will also align with the Livingstone Community Plan – Towards 2050, a long-term strategic plan developed with the community, which is moving the region towards its vision for 2050.”

Councillor Friend said the feedback received will inform the direction of Council’s Waste Management Strategy and a second round of consultation will then aim to gauge support for the document itself.

“Sustainability has emerged as a big priority in our everyday lives and therefore a formal strategy to mitigate and eventually eliminate waste which we as a community produce,” she said.

“We want Livingstone Shire residents to be a part of this journey towards a more sustainable future, which is why we are consulting our community and asking for feedback throughout the process.”

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