Additional parking, footpaths and lookouts in Yeppoon’s CBD expected to bolster tourism


Additional parking, footpaths and lookout points in Yeppoon’s central business district is expected to bolster tourism within the much-loved coastal community.

Portfolio Holder of Transport (Road, Drainage, Pathways), Councillor Glenda Mather, said Council resolved to provide more parking on the eastern side of Adelaide Street, following a briefing session in December last year. 

Cr Mather said a Notice of Motion was put forward following reports of parking and traffic concerns on Adelaide Street. Council has agreed to address these issues and is gathering feedback on a draft concept.

“Council has developed a concept for the new parking arrangements and changes to traffic conditions. The project for consideration is in the Forward Work Program and, if approved, is expected to be delivered as a staged development,” Cr Mather said.

“Additional parking and footpaths would be prioritised in the initial phases of development, with the potential to deliver multiple lookout points in the future.

“The additional parking and footpaths would provide greater safety and connectivity while the lookout sites will promote the most spectacular views to be found anywhere along our Australian coastline.”

Residents and businesses living and operating on Adelaide Street have provided initial feedback on the concept as key stakeholders on this project.

“Council is now opening up feedback to the wider Livingstone Shire community given the popularity of this particular site,” Cr Mather said.

Residents can have their say via Council’s Get Involved Livingstone page: from now, closing on 19 March, 2021.