Livingstone Shire Council moves to protect coastline


Livingstone Shire Council is pleased to announce the adoption of the Our Living Coast Livingstone Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy earlier this week.

Portfolio Holder of Water, Waste Management and the Environment, Councillor Andrea Friend, said this marks a significant milestone for the community.

“Our coast is a dynamic and varied landscape that stretches for some 300 kilometres,” Cr Friend said.

“It is made up of pristine wetlands, estuaries and inlets, extensive sandy beaches, and offshore islands that underpin our unique community and lifestyle and attract many tourists to the area.

“But this also means that we’re exposed to coastal hazard impacts such as erosion and storm tide inundation driven by cyclones and storm events.

“Unfortunately, these hazards are expected to increase with climate change.

“This is why we need to act now to prevent, prepare for, and respond to these risks.”

The Queensland Government and the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) provided funding to support Livingstone Shire Council to develop a strategic approach to managing coastal hazards.

“Everyone in our community has a role in caring for our coast and we all need to work together,” Cr Friend said.

“The strategy will inform decision making and guide the management of Livingstone’s coastline.”

Ecosystem and dune management, developing coastal monitoring systems, and raising community awareness of current and future coastal hazards are key short-term priorities within the plan.

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