Barbecue event an important opportunity to talk about Men’s Health


Recognising the importance of men's health will be the focus of next week’s event at the Yeppoon PCYC, as part of the national Men’s Health Week initiative. 

Held June 14-20, Men's Health Week provides an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of men and boys.

Councillor Pat Eastwood, Portfolio holder of Healthy and Inclusive Community, said residents are invited to attend a barbecue on Wednesday 16 June, where guest speakers Billy Bijoux, a community member, and Susie Cervai from Yeppoon Health and Fitness, will speak about the significance of men’s health.

“This event is all about promoting awareness of men's approach to health and discussing the way health care is provided to be more sensitive towards men's needs,” Cr Eastwood said. 

“In Australia, Men's Health Week provides a platform for challenging and debating key issues in men's health and to raise the profile of men, their health outcomes and health needs around the country.

“It’s a time to celebrate the resourcefulness, determination, wisdom, and courage of Australian Men in their efforts to build healthy environments, often in the face of diversity, disadvantage, and neglect. 

“It’s important that as a community, we create opportunities to have these conversations to highlight the health and wellbeing of men in our Shire. Many great male role models live here in Livingstone Shire and they play an important role within the community.”

The barbecue event will be held at 10.30am on Wednesday 16 June at the Yeppoon PCYC, 170 Matthew Flinders Drive, Cooee Bay.

For more information on Men’s Health Week visit,