Keppel Kraken works complete and ready for play these school holidays!


The installation of six new in-ground water jets and more flat play area has been completed at the Keppel Kraken this week!

Livingstone Shire Council Mayor, Andy Ireland, said the Keppel Kraken had undergone safety improvements recently, following a community survey launched late last year.

“While the lower section of the children's wet play area had soft fall installed on the surfaces of its hexagon blocks in 2018, there were still sections that required some method of protection for playground users,” Mayor Ireland said.

“Over 80 percent of survey participants voted in favour of safety improvements at the Kraken, with the majority of votes in favour of replacing the blocks with a water feature.

“Seeing the works now complete is a fantastic outcome for visitors and frequent users of the popular facility, who can visit the play area while enjoying a safer water feature.

“Council would like to thank the Queensland Government for their funding contribution of $105,000 under the Works for Queensland programme, which delivered the community’s preferred option of removing the hexagon blocks.

“The Keppel Kraken has always been a popular tourism drawcard and we’re looking forward to seeing families return to the water play area over the school holiday break.”