Yeppoon Lagoon shade installation complete in time for Summer season

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry and Livingstone Shire Council Mayor Andy Ireland have today officially opened additional shade structures at the Yeppoon Lagoon.
The project was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($406,477) and Livingstone Shire Council ($100,000).
Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said the additional shade structures will be put to great use as the weather starts to heat up.
“People from all over Central Queensland love to visit the Yeppoon Lagoon and these added shade structures will be welcomed by the community,” Ms Landry said.
“With the increasing demand for recreational usage at Lagoon Place, it is necessary that more recreational community facilities are provided.”
“The funding also included Lagoon Place improvements, the provision of arbors, barbeques, seating and shade structures,” Ms Landry said.
The project was approved under Round 1 of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Mayor Andy Ireland said it was fantastic to see more adequate shade installed across several areas of the Lagoon precinct, as the region moves into the summer season.
“This project has been a priority for some time following the completion of the Lagoon in 2018, and Council is pleased to see these works finally completed,” Mayor Ireland said.
“Council would like to thank the Australian Government for the funding that has allowed us to complete these works, and also thank Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry for her support in securing the funding.”
“Council understands sun safety is really important for all ages while living in our climate, and better shade coverage is certainly a welcome addition for all users of the Lagoon precinct.
“Even with the additional shade structures, the SLIP SLOP SLAP message should still be in the forefront of Lagoon users’ minds though”, Mayor Ireland added.