Media Statement from Livingstone Shire Mayor

As most residents of Livingstone Shire will be aware, Council has expressed concern to the Queensland Government in relation to the potential impact that the post December 17 COVID-19 restrictions will have on local businesses. 

This followed a request from local business operators that arose from a public meeting last month, where approximately 400 business owners collectively expressed concern at the impact the restrictions will have on their employees, their potential workplace health and safety liability, and ultimately their viability.

Council has relayed these concerns to the Premier, who has replied saying that the restrictions will be implemented from December 17, following medical advice from Queensland Health and in order to keep Queensland safe.

Consequently, the new restrictions for unvaccinated people come into effect tomorrow, and everyone will be required to abide by these rules. 

“Pro Choice” is a position and philosophy that Livingstone Shire Council supports, but it does not override State mandates.

All Queenslanders and visitors to Queensland will have to comply with the public health measures regardless of whether they agree with the mandate or not.

However, I would like to reassure the community that anybody is welcome in our Shire, regardless of their vaccination status.