Yeppoon’s Public Cyclone Shelter put through its paces in evacuation exercise


The Livingstone Shire Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) conducted its annual exercise today, to review the capability of the Yeppoon Public Cyclone Shelter Management Team (YPCS). 

The exercise aims to familiarise the YPCS management team and to identify improvements, should there be an activation of the shelter.

Members of the Local Disaster Management Group and Local Disaster Co-ordination Centre, as well as key agencies including Queensland Police Service, Queensland Ambulance Service, State Emergency Service, Queensland Health, and the Australian Red Cross came together to undertake the exercise.

The exercise included activities such as unpacking equipment, setting up the facility, testing the shelter’s communications connectivity, as well as registering evacuees.

Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, Mayor Andy Ireland, said this exercise follows on from an activation held at The Hub last month, to ensure preparedness as the region moves into storm and cyclone season.

“All agencies and organisations have a shared responsibility in ensuring effective and continuous improvement in the Shire’s disaster management,” Mayor Ireland said.

“These exercises are really important for Council staff, local emergency services, and agencies to have an opportunity to sharpen their training skills and response capabilities.

“While the Yeppoon public cyclone shelter is a place for residents to shelter when a cyclone occurs, it’s important to highlight that it should be your last resort if you have nowhere else to go.

“As space is limited, we encourage the community to seek shelter with family or friends first, so those without any other option are able to access the facility.”