CCTV installed at Farnborough Beach to monitor driver behaviour


Livingstone Shire Council now has the ability to better monitor drivers unlawfully turning right off the Bangalee access onto Farnborough Beach, with two surveillance cameras recently installed at the vehicle access.

So far this month 13 motorists have been caught turning right onto the beach at Bangalee, which is a designated bathing reserve prohibiting vehicles. 

Councillor Andrea Friend, Portfolio holder of Water, Waste Management and the Environment, said Council officers will issue warnings for the rest of February however drivers can expect fines of $275 if they disobey the local law from 1 March 2022.

“Farnborough Beach is a popular 4WD destination but unfortunately some motorists are ignoring the ‘no right turn’ signage at the access,” Cr Friend said.

“The local law is there for a reason, to protect residents wanting to enjoy the beach on foot as well as the environment.

“Turtles nest along Farnborough Beach and there’s also migratory and resident shorebirds.

“Drivers still have plenty of space and freedom to enjoy Farnborough Beach from the north of the vehicle access at Bangalee.”