New wildlife murals to be installed on Livingstone amenities


Get your brushes out! Livingstone Shire Council is seeking local artists to create distinctive wildlife murals to be painted on Council amenities.

The project aims to educate residents and visitors about local birds, animals and insects as well as increase the visitor appeal of Livingstone.

The amenities chosen to have a facelift are Daniel Park in Cooee Bay, Lammermoor Beach, Causeway Lake, Glenlee Park and Coorooman Creek at Keppel Sands.

Councillor Rhodes Watson, Portfolio holder of Vibrant Community, said the murals will add to the Shire’s growing reputation as a destination for quality public art.

“Livingstone is fortunate to be filled with an abundance of local fauna and Council wants to celebrate the diversity and increase awareness about the importance of biodiversity protection,” Cr Watson said.

“Our Shire already has several popular murals on public infrastructure at key community locations to help create vibrant, public spaces for the community to enjoy.

“We have many talented artists in our region and I’d encourage them to submit an expression of interest with their concepts and ideas in order for Council to evaluate the merits of the project idea.”

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