“Your Council. Your Budget. Your Say. Your Way”


Consultation is now open for the community to have its say, as Council works towards finalising its draft Budget for 2022/2023 in tough economic conditions.

Mayor Andy Ireland said there are many circumstances out of Council’s control that will influence the outcome of the final adopted budget in June.

“Unfortunately, the likelihood of rates not increasing this year is low but Council is committed to minimising a rise wherever possible,” Mayor Ireland said.

“Costs for materials, fuel, insurance premiums and labour through Enterprise Bargaining Agreements have all risen as well as land valuations, recently issued by the Valuer-General.

“Council has also lost $1 million over three years due to funding cuts from the Queensland Local Government Grants Commission.

“The Boundary Commissioner is currently in the process of reviewing our boundary which could see the suburbs of Glenlee, Glendale and Rockyview transferred to Rockhampton Regional Council, which would be a major financial blow to our Shire.

“Although it will be a tough job, we will do our best to ensure our rates are delivering quality, essential services while still balancing the financial impact on households.”

Deputy Mayor Adam Belot said there are numerous ways residents can have their say during the budget consultation process.

“If you are time poor, you can complete a short survey available online or in hard copy at Council’s Customer Support Centres or Libraries,” Cr Belot said.

“Residents also have the opportunity to balance and build their ideal budget through the Balancing Act Simulation Tool, which will help residents get a clear understanding of our services and challenges.

“Remember, this is your budget and our role as councillors is to construct the budget with you at the centre of our focus, so please email or call a Councillor if you have further feedback.

“We greatly appreciate the community’s input which will help Councillors during budget deliberations.”

To take part in the survey or access the budget simulation tool, please visit Council’s online engagement platform, Get Involved, at https://getinvolved.livingstone.qld.gov.au/  before 24 April.