Livingstone Shire Council collaborates to connect small business


Livingstone Shire Council is delighted to have co-facilitated a networking breakfast for small business on the Capricorn Coast.

Over 50 small business owners from the local community were welcomed to The Villa on the Beach at Cooee Beach today as part of a Queensland Small Business month event.

Together with local partners the Capricornia Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Small Business and Training, The T@ble networking group, Regional Women’s Network, and 4RO radio, Livingstone Shire Council provided an opportunity for the business community to expand their local connections.

Mayor Andy Ireland, Portfolio Holder of Economic Development and Regional Advocacy, said events like these were an important part of creating connections and collaboration across the entire business community.

“Guests were able to connect with industry advocate Maree Adshead, the QLD Small Business Commissioner, and representatives from the Department of Small Business and Training, Business Station, Capricornia Chamber of Commerce, and Entrepreneur Facilitator, alongside our Livingstone Shire Council Economic Development Team,” Mayor Ireland said.

“By providing this forum, we can link our local industry to the expert advice they need to be successful and assist them to grow their own network locally.

“I was pleased to see such a great turnout from our business community this morning and look forward to seeing our local economy continue to grow.”

Queensland Small Business Commissioner Maree Adshead said, “It’s great being able to come to regional events so that I can hear firsthand the lived experiences of the local small business owners and be able to create a greater awareness of the support and services my office provides.”

Council’s Economic Development team is currently seeking community input to identify future economic growth and investment opportunities in Livingstone Shire. The feedback will form part of Livingstone Shire’s economic development agenda, referred to as the ‘Blueprint for Growth’.

Residents and business owners are encouraged to complete the short survey to provide their thoughts on how to shape the economic future of our shire.

The survey can be found on council’s Get Involved page:

To keep up to date on future business community engagement follow the Livingstone Shire Council Facebook page, or for more business resources head to: