Goats destroying Woppa: Calls for the Queensland Government to take action


Council has unanimously resolved to call on the State Government and Tower Holdings to control the increasing feral goat population on Woppa (Great Keppel Island) as per their lessee agreement.

Councillor Andrea Friend, Portfolio holder of Water, Waste Management and the Environment, said that goat numbers and their damaging activity on Woppa are serious and need to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

“Goat numbers have increased to the point where ground cover and vegetation has been removed, resulting in debris, the loss of topsoil, and siltation into the Great Barrier Reef,” Cr Friend said.

“After meeting with the Great Keppel Island Goat Steering Group in 2021, Council applied for a grant through the Queensland Government’s Feral Pest Initiative and was very disappointed to find out 10 months later that the application was unsuccessful.

“The current lease agreement between the Queensland Government and Tower Holdings, includes a condition that the lessee must control all declared pests on the leased land.

“This condition is in accordance with the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002, Local Laws and Council requirements.

“Council’s Pest Management team, the Woppaburra people and Woppa residents have estimated that there are in excess of 500 goats on the island.

“Council will send letters to the Department of Environment and Science, Environment Minister Meaghan Scanlon, Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga, and Tower Holdings, seeking their active response to this growing issue to prevent further degradation of GKI.”