Don’t dump. Please dispose your fish scraps safely


Fishers are being reminded to dispose carcasses safely, following a spike in scraps being found dumped near populated waterways in Yeppoon.

Livingstone Shire Council staff have reported an increase in fish scraps being disposed along Fig Tree Creek and Ross Creek.

Councillor Andrea Friend, Portfolio Holder of Water, Waste Management, and the Environment, said in addition to people standing on fish spikes, discarded frames can attract sharks and crocodiles as well as harm wildlife.

“Leaving fish scraps along the shore poses a threat to the local community and Council is urging fishers to think of others when disposing of them,” Cr Friend said.

“Make the most of your scraps instead by using them for crab pot bait or using them on your home garden as fertiliser.

“You can also dispose of them at nearby Council bins, freeze them and put them in your garbage bin on rubbish day or take them out to sea on your next fishing trip.

“Livingstone Shire is in croc country and the reptiles are attracted by an easy meal, and this type of behaviour puts people at risk.

“Council will look at installing signage for community awareness and education but is urging the community to do the right thing.”