Livingstone’s Show Holiday to remain the same


Following public consultation, Livingstone Shire Council will apply to the Queensland Government to hold next year’s Show Holiday on Friday 9 June to align with the Rockhampton Agricultural Show.

Each year, under the Holidays Act 1983, local governments are invited to request a public holiday for an agricultural show for the following year.

The nomination was discussed at today’s general Council meeting.

Councillor Pat Eastwood said Council traditionally aligns its public holiday with the Rockhampton Show, for the Friday in the second week of June.

“Council conducted a community survey in March and the majority of respondents voted for the Show Holiday to remain the same,” Cr Eastwood said.

“By choosing Friday for our public holiday, it allows the Livingstone community to attend the Rockhampton Show.

“It also provides an opportunity for local businesses to maximise the benefits associated with tourism, as people from Rockhampton visit the various localities within our shire during their special holiday.”