Council invests in vital infrastructure to improve essential services


Livingstone Shire Council will invest $44 million towards its capital works program in the 2022-23 Budget.

Mayor Andy Ireland said Council has been successful in obtaining external grant funding of $30.5 million to help deliver many of the shire’s important projects.

“The capital works program is on track to deliver major community and economic infrastructure in addition to ongoing significant investment in our roads, bridges, water, sewerage and footpaths,” Mayor Ireland said.

“The majority of funding, about $20 million, will go towards improving our transport network including major upgrades to Stanage Bay Road, Matthew Flinders Drive at Cooee Bay and Queen Street in Yeppoon as well as our annual road reseal programs and pavement rehabilitation.

“The capital works program does not incorporate roads maintenance, but those concerned with roads maintenance can be assured that additional resources have been devoted to this.

“$6.6 million is being invested in providing safe drinking water including construction of a new reservoir at Emu Park and vital maintenance at the Woodbury Water Treatment Plant.

“About $6 million has been allocated for safe and reliable sewerage services and $2.3 million will go towards improving waste and recycling services including completion of the Resource Recovery Centre at the Yeppoon Landfill.

“This budget is focused on providing essential services to the community of a high standard in a challenging economic environment.

“We haven’t embarked on big flashy projects and are concentrating on improving infrastructure to facilitate future growth as well as maintaining our existing assets.”

Below are some of the capital initiatives scheduled for the 2022-23 financial year:

Capital Works Program

Investing in our transport network - $20.1 million

  • Stanage Bay Road upgrade - $11,000,000*
  • Annual unsealed road pavement renewal program - $1,400,000*
  • Queen Street upgrade - $1,320,000*
  • Stage 2 Matthew Flinders Drive reconstruction - $1,190,000*
  • Pavement rehabilitation program - $873,980*
  • Annual urban road reseal program - $770,000
  • Cooee Bay Transport Strategy - $745,000
  • Fig Tree Creek bank protection works - $640,000
  • Taranganba Road upgrade of Carige Boulevard intersection - $600,000*
  • Annual rural road reseal program - $600,000


Providing safe drinking water - $6.6 million

  • Construction of new 4ML reservoir West Emu Park – $2,438,000*
  • Filter media replacement at Woodbury Water Treatment Plant - $1,400,000*
  • Mt Charlton water storage repairs - $1,211,000*
  • Relocation of water infrastructure along Rockhampton-Yeppoon Road - $489,000*
  • Annual water asset renewal programs - $742,000

Safe and reliable sewerage services - $6.1 million

  • Emu Park Sewage Treatment Plant dewatering system upgrade - $2,594,000
  • Scenic Highway sewer upgrade - $986,000
  • Yeppoon Sewage Treatment Plant additional membrane filters - $600,000
  • Tanby Road South Sewerage PFTI - $500,000

Improving waste and recycling services - $2.3 million

  • Completion of Stage 2 of Yeppoon Landfill Resource Recovery Centre - $2,020,000*
  • Yeppoon landfill cell expansion (design) - $250,000

Investing in land development - $2.0 million

  • Completion of Stage 2 of the Capricorn Coast Memorial Gardens - $667,000*
  • Stage 2B & 3 of Gateway Industrial Precinct - $2,041,000

Plant and equipment - $3.9 million

Note: Projects marked with * include external government funding