Livingstone Shire’s Show Public Holiday moved to 16 June


Livingstone Shire Council will reapply to the Queensland Government to hold next year’s Show Holiday on 16 June to align with the Rockhampton Agricultural Show. 

Each year, under the Holidays Act 1983, local governments are invited to request a public holiday for an agricultural show for the following year. 

Councillor Pat Eastwood said that the Rockhampton Show was being held in the third week of June next year. 

“Last month, Livingstone Councillors voted to hold our public holiday on June 9 on the assumption that Rockhampton Show would continue to be staged in the second week of June,” Cr Eastwood said.

“As it turns out the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies has nominated dates 14 to 16 June as the dates for the 2023 Rockhampton show. 

“Livingstone Council will now change its public holiday nomination to coincide with Rockhampton so our community can attend the Show.

“It also provides an opportunity for people from Rockhampton to visit our shire during their special holiday, which Rockhampton Regional Council has nominated to be the Thursday during Show week.

“In future years, instead of nominating a specific date to the Queensland Government, Council will nominate that our Show Holiday always aligns with the Friday of the Rockhampton Show.”