List of public amenities to close in Livingstone


As part Council’s local response to COVID-19, the Yeppoon Car Wash in the Multi-Storey Car Park a number of public amenities will be closed as of this afternoon.

Facilities at the following locations will be closed:

  • Yeppoon Surf Life Saving Club amenities;
  • Foreshore Amenity located next to climbing net playground;
  • Yeppoon Lagoon Change Village;
  • Merv Anderson Park;
  • Causeway South Amenities Block;
  • Farnborough North;
  • Daniel Park at Cooee Bay;
  • Yeppoon Skate Park;
  • Mulambin South; and
  • Causeway East.

Services and facilities are continually being reviewed and Council is following the latest Government advice as the situation unfolds.