Farnborough Beach to be closed to vehicles at night in three-month trial


Both Bangalee and Sandy Point vehicle beach accesses will be closed to vehicular traffic at night for a three-month trial, to protect the environment and local community from hoons.

At the general meeting yesterday Livingstone Shire Councillors unanimously endorsed the trial which was suggested by the Bangalee Beach Access Reference Group.

The group was established in February to oversee beach access issues.

As part of the approved trial, Farnborough Beach will be closed to motorists from 8pm to 4am, seven days a week, for three months from a date yet to be determined.

Councillor Adam Belot, Portfolio holder of Organisational Performance and Bangalee Beach Access Reference Group member, said the temporary road closure supports the desire of the community and Council to protect the coastal environment.

“The dunal system and turtle nesting sites along the coastline are constantly threatened by hoons particularly at night,” Cr Belot said.

“It’s hoped this temporary road closure will ease the risk of harm caused by motorists driving through dunes and nesting sites.

“It also aims to protect the Bangalee community from hooning between the hours of 8pm to 4am.

“It’s incumbent on all levels of Government to try and make things better ultimately for the people they serve and that’s really what this Council is trying to do in relation to a very complex problem.

“The reference group has come together and provided key information for us to consider as a Council towards making something better.

“I’d like to thank the Bangalee community and the reference group for working closely with Council to find solutions to these challenges surrounding the beach accesses.

“This is a short-term solution but it’s one that is desperately needed and makes sense to reduce the ability to drive on the beach at night and I hope the community understand why we’re doing it.

“Council recognises the amazing experience that comes with being able to drive up along Farnborough beach and is not in the business of taking things away from people or stopping people from enjoying this activity, however, we recognise that with the increasing population and vehicle numbers enjoying this experience, it's critical that we plan to mitigate the impacts on both the community of Bangalee who live adjacent to the ramp and the environment.

Council officers will now finalise the logistics to implement the trial and the community will be updated when a commencement date is confirmed.

Residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback via a survey following the trial.

Under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995, both Queensland Police Services and Council have the power to temporarily close roads and issue infringement notices for contravening road closure signs.

Council will erect signage at the vehicle beach accesses and use night vision cameras for enforcement with warnings to be issued to motorists during the first month of the trial before enforcing a $575 infringement in the second and third month to those disobeying the road closure.