Join the Connect Fest – Seniors Month 2022 is here!


Connecting with one another has never been more important, which is why Council is encouraging you to connect and celebrate with us during Seniors Month, 1 to 31 October.

Seniors Month is the largest socially inclusive event for the older members of our Queensland community and focuses on the theme of ‘Social Connections’.

This month celebrates the contributions of our seniors, focusing on the essential roles that older people play in our community and helping people of all ages, cultures and abilities to connect through a variety of events and activities.

This year’s celebrations kick off on the 1 October, United Nations International Day of Older Persons, and finishes on National Grandparents Day at the end of the month. 

Councillor Glenda Mather, said Council has teamed up with a number of local groups and organisations to host over 30 events across the Shire this year.

“The diversity of events being offered throughout October to our seniors community is incredible! From dancing, tennis and stretching, to educational discussions on a number of topics such as books, railway infrastructure and astronomy, there’s something for everyone,” Cr Mather said. 

“The majority of Seniors Month events are free or low-cost, making them accessible to everyone in the community and encourages participation amongst all residents.”

The official Seniors Month Launch will be held on 11 October at the Emu Park RSL, where residents will be introduced to Bob & Betty, the Community Centre’s newest initiative for helping to connect seniors and providing helpful information via email.

Councillor Pat Eastwood, Portfolio Holder of Healthy and Inclusive Community, said that the programme for Seniors Month gets bigger and better each year, with continuous positive feedback from past participants.

“The Shire’s senior community is the backbone to our community, offering expansive knowledge and wisdom and it is important to celebrate their contribution to the region,” said Cr Eastwood.

“Council would like to sincerely thank all of the agencies, service providers, community groups and organisations who have helped to make Seniors Month 2022 possible, and we look forward to celebrating with our local seniors.”

To find out more about Seniors Month and the local activities being held, visit or collect a program from Council libraries and Customer Support Centres.


The five objectives of Queensland Seniors Month 2022 are:

  1. Connect older Queenslanders to inclusive events and activities by producing culturally inclusive, multigenerational or lifestyle events/activities for Queenslanders in their communities.
  2. Create opportunities for older Queenslanders to continue to participate in activities beyond Queensland Seniors Month.
  3. Challenge ageist attitudes and reframe the conversation around ageing.
  4. Enable older Queenslanders to live active and healthy lives with improved physical and mental wellbeing.
  5. Enhance opportunities for older Queenslanders to continue to learn through community education, lifelong learning, and digital literacy.