Livingstone Shire – A step ahead in the housing crisis


Last week, in response to the housing crisis, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced a change to State planning rules to allow Queenslanders to rent out their granny flats, or secondary dwellings to anyone. The rules had previously restricted renting only to relatives.

Livingstone Shire, however, has long allowed granny flats and secondary dwellings to be rented to anyone, not just family. Moreover, Council encourages property owners to build secondary dwellings by classifying them as ‘accepted development’.

Buildings less than 80 square meters can be built without a planning application if they are sited behind the primary house, meet building regulations and the lot is not subject to State planning overlays.

Mayor Andrew Ireland, Portfolio holder of Economic Development and Regional Advocacy and Intergovernmental Relations, said that Council has never had any desire to dictate to property owners whom they can rent out their secondary dwellings to.

“If people have the room and the infrastructure can support the increase in occupants, then all the better for the community,” Mayor Ireland said.

“The present housing crisis is seriously affecting the region, with a lack of for-sale and rental properties in addition to substantially increased prices. 

Over the last two years, rental prices in Yeppoon have gone up 37% and house prices 49%.

Mayor Ireland said the current problem with supply and affordability is causing considerable stress to numerous community members and seriously restraining our economy. 

“Local businesses looking to expand can’t attract workers because there is nowhere affordable to live,” Mayor Ireland said. 

“We are also missing out on the general covid-induced exodus from the capital cities. 

“This provision in support of secondary dwellings is one way to help ease the pain.

“Council is encouraging anyone with a big enough backyard and the desire to earn some extra income to consider re-purposing part of their home as a granny flat or investing in a secondary dwelling.”

Secondary dwellings that do not require a planning application still require a building application to be lodged with Council or a private certifier, as is the case with all structures.

Enquiries regarding secondary dwellings can be directed to Council’s Planning and/or Building Team by calling 4913 5000 or by logging a customer request via Council’s Online Services portal at