Help fight the bite of mosquitoes


Residents are being urged to do their part to limit the breeding of mosquitoes in their backyards, as Livingstone Shire Council steps up its control program ahead of summer.

Council's Vector Management team has been actively monitoring mosquito activity in salt marsh and freshwater areas and has already noticed an increase in mosquito numbers following rain at the beginning of the month.

Councillor Andrea Friend, Portfolio Holder of Water, Waste Management and the Environment, said unfortunately the level of mosquito activity is expected to worsen due to the climate outlook. 

“A La Niña weather event is currently underway which means we are expecting above-average rainfall over the next few months, creating the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes,” Cr Friend said.

“In preparation, Council’s Vector Management team has been busy carrying out routine checks at known breeding sites and where needed, treating those areas using Methoprene briquettes and misting.

“The briquettes prevent larvae from maturing and are effective for approximately four to five months.

“Misting is regularly conducted in identified areas including Kinka Beach, Keppel Sands, and certain areas of Emu Park but we are also attending to sites where requests for treatment have been raised.”

To support these efforts, Council is urging residents to do their part in implementing measures to safeguard themselves ahead of the expected increase in mosquito numbers.

“There are more than 20 species of mosquito in Livingstone Shire and some species carry diseases including Ross River Virus, Dengue Fever, Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Barmah Forest Virus,” Cr Friend said.

“Residents can protect themselves and their properties from mosquitoes by removing any accumulation of water, which is a potential breeding ground around the home.

“It’s also important to apply repellent and wear long, loose-fitting, lightly coloured clothing when outside, especially at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.”

Reduce mosquito numbers around your home by:

  • Inspecting your house and yard and removing any accumulation of water;
  • Empty pot plant bases twice weekly or fill the base with sand to absorb water;
  • Wash out the bromeliads and other water-bearing plants twice weekly;
  • Clean out roof gutters regularly and trim back trees which can block gutters;
  • Ensure rainwater tanks are screened;
  • Maintain swimming pools;
  • Wash out birdbaths and ornamental pools twice weekly; and
  • Ensure ponds are stocked with suitable native fish.

How to protect yourself:

  • Install or repair insect screens on all doors and windows, especially in sleeping areas.
  • Wear long-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing when outside;
  • Use insect repellent;
  • Use a plug-in insecticide vaporiser (indoors) or mosquito coils (outdoors);
  • If you live in an unscreened house or are camping, sleep under a mosquito net; and
  • Air-conditioning and fans are also effective in protecting you from mosquitoes

For more information on Council’s pest management, visit