Livingstone Shire Council backs reinstatement of Rockhampton Ring Road


Livingstone Shire Councillors are getting behind the movement to reinstate the Rockhampton Ring Road Project after it was deferred in the federal budget.

Mayor Andy Ireland’s request to formalise Council’s position on the matter at November’s Ordinary Council meeting was met with support by fellow councillors, who all agreed that reinstatement of the project is in the best interests of the Livingstone Shire community.

“As well as being a devastating blow to our neighbour, Rockhampton Regional Council, the impact of this deferral is quite significant for Livingstone Shire Council,” Mayor Ireland said.

“For Council’s economic and liveability prospects to be fulfilled, it is imperative that the Rockhampton Ring Road Project is reinstated.

“With the road proposed to conclude at the intersection of the Bruce Highway and Yeppoon Road, the linkage is considered critical to expanding tourist and business visitation to the Capricorn Coast and its immediate hinterland.

“The northern exit of the Ring Road would also provide enhanced access to the northern suburbs and has been considered in Council’s strategic planning of the ‘Northern Corridor’.

“The logistical benefits of this access are significant, as future residential, commercial, and agri-business growth will benefit from improved linkages to the Bruce Highway from the south, and the Capricorn Highway from the west.

“In addition, delays or abandonment of the project may financially impact Council’s capital works program and future rate revenue.

“It’s because of these reasons, that we will be joining with Rockhampton Regional Council in lobbying the Federal and State Governments to reinstate the project in the 2023/24 Budgets and requesting that they commit to commencing construction within the next financial year.”