Accessibility barriers highlighted at Livingstone Shire tour


An accessibility awareness tour held during Disability Action Week (26 November – 2 December) has provided an opportunity for Livingstone Shire Council decision-makers, local businesses and the community to develop a greater understanding of the struggles some residents experience whilst out and about.

The tour, organised by the Capricorn Coast Access and Equity Group with the assistance of Council, generated discussions around inclusiveness and highlighted the importance of accessible communities.

Participants, including Councillors and Council officers, said it opened their eyes to the needs of others, and they were able to view local businesses and the streets from a different perspective.

Capricorn Coast Access and Equity Group committee member, Councillor Andrea Friend, said 24 per cent of people in Livingstone Shire live with some form of disability and just under 20 per cent are aged over 65, so providing accessible infrastructure is something very close to my heart.

“During the tour participants were allocated an accessibility challenge before visiting various businesses in Normanby Street, to consider accessibility and how well-participating businesses and our public spaces are equipped to accommodate those living with disability,” Cr Friend said.

“The intention was to help raise awareness and empower our community.

“Council has made a commitment through the Livingstone Community Plan: Towards 2050 to provide safe and welcoming places for people of all ages and abilities, and this commitment ensures we are working towards a liveable Livingstone for all current and future residents.”

The Capricorn Coast Access and Equity Group is facilitated by Council (in partnership with the Human Rights Commission Queensland) and meets regularly to discuss local accessibility barriers and ideas.