Opt-in for notifications to be prepared for emergencies


As storm and cyclone season approaches, Livingstone Shire Council is encouraging residents to opt-in for its emergency notification service.

The email and text messaging service allows subscribers to plan, prepare for, and respond to severe weather events before they happen and provides vital information during a disaster, tailored to Livingstone Shire.

Livingstone Shire Mayor and Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair Andy Ireland said the emergency notification service is an important part of Council’s disaster and emergency communications.

“With above-average rainfall predicted for summer, now is a good time to make sure you are prepared and have access to emergency messages, but you must opt-in to receive them,” Mayor Ireland said.

“As we’ve witnessed in the past, Livingstone Shire is subject to severe weather events including hail, drought, flooding, and cyclones as well as the devastating Cobraball bushfires in 2019. Anything can happen at any time and conditions can change in an instant, which is why it’s important that the community can be alerted in time to prepare.

“Once registered, residents will receive email messages advising of potentially dangerous weather and emergency news in their local area. Mobile text messages may also be utilised during an emergency.

“The service does not duplicate or replace official warnings provided by the Bureau of Meteorology or the State Disaster Coordination Centre. This service offers more localised information but it’s important to continue to monitor all the other communication channels such as media, social media and Council’s Disaster Dashboard.

“It’s also important that residents subscribe to the service, as it is an opt-in service, meaning notifications will be sent only to those people who register to receive them.”

The process of registering is simple and free – just go to Livingstone Shire Council’s Disaster Dashboard at disaster.livingstone.qld.gov.au/ and click on ‘Opt-in Notifications’.

All data provided by residents is securely stored and not used for any other Council or marketing purposes.